Professors might know your name. Professors teach lectures of hundreds of kids everyday. If you want a professor to know your name, you have to make an effort. My anthropolgy professor knows the names of lots of kids in my lecture and will talk to them before class. That's because these students made an effort to introduce themselves.
I really recommend taking a first year seminar. You have a small class of about 20 students and it is taught by a professor, not a GSI. You get a chance to really get to know a professor. I also learned a lot from my seminar, and you can take them on just about anything.
Class participation depends on the class. Often professors ask the class questions. I have never had a class where a professor wasn't responsive to questions from students.
Hell yeah we have intellecual conversations outside of class! I met my bestfriends here at Meijer Madness and we ended up have a long conversation on religion, and I had just meet these people. I work in the cafeteria and I hear people all the time talking about politics or what they learned in class.
There are some classes you can take where you WILL feel like nothing more than a number, but there are even more classes you can take where you have the opportunity to get to know your professors and really talk about topics that you find interesting. My suggestion would be to take a sampling of classes to find out what really interests you, I was a pre-med major until I found out I hated all of my pre-med classes and loved my English ones. Michigan does have a tendency to weed out those who aren't up to snuff, and you will need to spend more time on homework than you're probably used to if you breezed through high school.
Great classes. Professors can vary, from being exceptional to unsatisfactory. When making an effort to talk to a professor outside of class, I've never found resistance. All of my professors are eager to talk about their field of study. Often I have had intellectual conversations and brainstorming outside of class, and outside of study groups. It's one of the great things about studying here; everyone is passionate about something.
Academics at the University of Michigan are indeed difficult, but they are by no means impossible. Professors are more than willing to lend a helping hand with whatever concept you don't understand.
The academics at this institution are challenging; even the introductory courses. But try not to sweat it- use your professors and GSI's (graduate student instructors) to your advantage. They are here to help you and I have yet to meet a professor or GSI that does not want every student in his/her class to succeed.
Never be embarrassed to ask for help because in the end, that's what can make you or break you in a class.
they are very challenging and i learn a lot.
Classes can range from large to small which can be beneficial depending on your preferences. As a BBA at the Ross School, I am overwhelmed by the amount of talent and intelligence around me. Everyone I speak to is at least remotely intelligent, giving way to more meaningful interaction.
Studying is annoyingly hard. If your in competetive classes like Econ, or medical school then some people can get annoying, pretending their at Harvard, but usually you can skip most of your lectures, attend discussion chill with youe GSI's send some well crafted e-mails and get yourself a solid B or maybe an A with a little more work.
In large lectures professors do not know my name because classes are too large. My favorite class is an english class because there are only 20 people in the room and we are all close with the teacher. The teacher is very funny. Students study pretty much 5 days a week. Class participation is very common because class participation is part of your grade. Yes, students have intellectual conversations outside of class. I find myself in political and religious conversations often. Students are very competitive. I am a political science and an English major. I learn much about the government and the ways political leaders work. No i do not spend time with professors outside of class even though many of them provide the opportunity to do so.
Students are so competitive and annoying. A lot of times people don't want to help out because they don't want you to do better then them. Classes are not that hard, if you study a lot then you can get As.