University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


The Greek Life is the most important social scene.


I met my closest friends in my dorm last year. Most of them lived on my hall.


Even though I am not in the acting school, I am still really involved in theater because I acted in high school. Right now I am in an edgy student produced and written play-- our performances are fun because they are at 11pm on Friday nights and it is usually an audience of rowdy students. I am not in a frat, but some of my guy friends are so I chill and drink there when there is not anything else to do.


Upon entering college, I learned that Tuesdays and Thursday nights are bigger party nights than Friday and Saturday. The bars are very popular on these nights with drink specials and fraternities also hold pregames and themed parties. Going out on Tuesday and Thursday nights really breaks up the week!


The school seems to be centralized around sports and Greek life. Students do not leave their doors open. Athletic events are very popular. Guest speakers and theater seem to draw more attention from specific groups. The dating scene is horrible. I met most of closest friends through Summer Term and my sorority. If you're awake at 2am on a Tuesday, you're probabl getting back from a bar. People party at least 3 nights a week.... there are parties/bars/clubs you could go to every night. On a Saturday night you could go see a movie.


-Not sure -COTH -Yes -Popular, not sure, not sure -Dating scene is big -Yes -Walking back from the bar -Football Saturdays -Whenever they can -Not that important -Went out for Hash Bash -Smoke, go to a movie, Burns park, really whatever you want, there's always activities on campus that don't include drugs -Play tennis, hang out with my friends


great. the bar scene is big in greek life. there are certain bars that you go to if youre "greek" and others that are more relaxed


The social life is my favorite aspect of Michigan. I think Michigan combines social life and everything else in the best way. Although there are very smart students here, everyone is still wanting to have a good time. It's all about getting your work done and rewarding yourself by going out and having a great time.


I'm active in the LGBT alliance and we have several major events every year. It's nice to be part of such an accepting and open-minded group of people. I wish I had more time to participate in other programs but school takes up most of my free time.


I just recently returned from an Alternative Spring Break trip to the border between El Paso, TX and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico learning about the issues surrounding immigration, how it's perceived and the people that live it day-to-day. It was truly a life-changing experience, and I would recommend students try it at least one year. There are tons of other service and service learning opportunities through the Ginsberg Center on campus.