University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Michigan-Ann Arbor? Why?


The worst thing about UM-Ann Arbor is the lack of initial guidance for students. When I first arrived as an undergraduate student, I did not have an assigned advisor, and I felt a bit lost. It was not until my junior year, when a fellow student recommended her personal advisor, that I finally felt like I had a guide to help navigate my coursework. In such a large school with so many avenues to pursue, guidance to young students is key and I wished for more.


Self Segregation between races


The worst thing I consider about my school is the cost of tuition, which focuses on funding the pay checks of school executives more so than it ever will on educational programs.


Large lecture classes are unavoidable, especially as a freshman. It may be difficult to get into the habit of starting good relationships with professors because it's so easy to be lost in the crowd.


The worst thing about my school is how far away from home it is. I get homesick a lot.


There's sometimes an air of smug superiority here that annoys me, and it follows a divide between people who are very career and success driven and people who are more enjoying the experience.


Very little financial aid. Money is important.


I honestly can't think of the worst thing about my campus. I truly love everything about it. I did have to live on a seperate campus freshman year that was about a 15 minute bus ride away, which has been the worst part of my experience here. But each year I have come to love the school more and more and now that it is time to graduate I don't want to leave!


The worst about my school is that the transportation system is often difficult to deal with. Being an engineer, I live on Northern campus of Michigan. Since my humanities classes are on Central campus, however, I must regularly commute to Central campus using the school bus system. Even though the bus system runs at regular intervals on weekdays, the buses are often quite crowded when they arrive, especially later in the morning and afternoon. I thus am often forced to wait for another bus, and often end up later to class than I woud like.


Since the University of Michigan is such a huge school I feel that sometimes they forget to help out some students. For example, I have been the victim of a lack of help with finances from the financial aid office. This is one of the problems with going to a big college.