Finding the right college could be one of the hardest decisions to make for a high school senior. The best way to find if a college is right for students is to plan a visit to the college; Possibly sit in a classroom and observe a lecture or attend a welcom weekend event held by the school. These are ways to get a feel for what the college campus is like. Parents, allow your children to choose where they want to go. Let your student venture out and try something new that will allow them to expand their intellectual horizons. Not too long ago did I hear the motivational speaker Calvin Mackie say ?The Greatest Tragedy in life is meeting the man or woman you could have been.? Let your child not have to go through that phase where they see someone that they only wish they would have been if they were allowed to follow their own dreams and not their parents. After all, college is more than financial circumstances, more than partying, and more than fraternity and sorority life. It is about seizing the moment that is at hand because every opportunity is an opportunity to another opportunity.
Don't choose a school based on where your high school friends are going and don't choose one based on playing sports. In almost every case, balancing intercollegiate athletics and a rigorous academic workload is next to impossible. Choose a school based on your likes and dislikes as well as your prospective career interests.
There are many factors that parents and students should consider and talk to each other about before deciding which school is best. One of the biggest factors is which major the student wants to go into and how good the school's program is for that concentration. Other important factors include tuition rates, distance from home, prestige of the school and ability for students from that school to have jobs after graduation, and the ability to become involved in extra-curricular activities. To make the most of the college experience, students should aim to excel both academically and socially. Aside from studying hard, learning, and earning good grades, students need to remember the importance of feeling connected and involved. I would encourage students to let go and get involved in whatever interests them. I know personally, I came out of my shell once I got to college and really got involved. I decided to take a risk and audition for an A Cappella group (I hadn't sung since middle school choir). I was accepted into Good News Christian A Cappella and since then, I've become the business manager. Don't be afraid to pursue what you love!
Make sure there is a bredth of both curricular extracurricular opportunity to fit any interest you may currently have. Your current interests will change and you want to make sure you can pursue anything in a friendly, driven, supportive environment.
When you are in high school, finding the perfect college is a daunting task. There are so many options and different pathways to take. Big or small? In-state or out-of-state? How am I going to afford it? You have faith that there is a university that is perfect for you out there.
Start research early, arrange college visits, read up about classes, and ask current or former students about their college experience. Compare what you what to do after college to the classes your college offers that will help you reach those professional goals. Look at all types of financial aid. The best type of financial aid I've found has been the Michigan Education Trust because my parents purchased credit hours for me when I was younger, which are unaffected by the soaring tuition costs. If you don't have something like MET, look around for scholarships and financial aid.
If after one year you decide that the college you've chosen doesn't fit your ambitions and personaliy, keep in mind that you can still transfer. College is one of the most important life experiences; put enough thought into it, but don't feel overwhelmed.
Go visit college campuses, attend classes, and talk to current students. Try to find a college where you know you will be academically challenged and feel comfortable.
The advice that I would give to parents and students about selecting the right college would be to just visit all the schools that seem interesting, apply to them, and go to the school that you think is the best fit. At any university, you're getting the same basics... You know that you will be getting a good education at any of the nation's top schools. But it's about the other factors, the dorm life, the extracirriculars offered, the sports, the diversity, that will help you choose your right fit. So don't discount all the stuff that doesn't necessarily involve academic schoolwork. Think about the other things too... they're just as important. Sure, one school might have a b etter reputation for academics, but what's the point in going to such school if you're going to spend four years of your life being miserable? Make sure you look at the school as a whole before making your decision.
There is no single perfect college for anyone and while this may sound harsh and pessismistic, it is actually an uplifting perspective. Each college will have its own pro's and con's, but there are a number of options for the "right college". I applied to 10 schools and was accepted into my specific major at 5 of them; I knew that I would thrive at any of those five schools. My advice to anyone trying to find the right college is to figure out what you want from a school by making a list of priorities.. Pragmatically ask yourself: what are the things I need in a college and what are the things I want? The needs take higher priority and the wants become valuable bonuses. Reference this list incessantly during the application process, especially after you know which colleges have accepted you. It will help you compare apples to apples and make a choice that will satisfy your needs. Once in college, making the most of a college experience is really up to the student-- no college will hinder a student's eagerness to learn and explore. Have faith that your college is the college for you.
I would suggest that students take into account that their interests will likely shift. Thus they ought to look for a university that offers a diversity of subjects and opinions. Look into the professors within departments which hold your interest to find differences so that you can truly explore a field and not only one aspect of it. For this you cannot simply look at how a school is rated, it requires real research.
Secondly, do not be intimidated by the supposed difficulty of a university. It is always possible to succeed and the harder you are pushed the more you will learn - this is a worthwhile sacrifice and will make your college experience worthwhile.
Still, you can always find time to enjoy yourself. Do not overload yourself with credits but instead look to extra-curricular groups, volunteering and internships.
It really doesn't matter if the school you go to was your top choice or not because as long as you put your 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} effort and focus into it, you will make the best of your years and gain the most out of it. It doesn't matter if you go to the best ivy league school and get horrible grades because you are not succeeding but it does matter and it is important that you are enjoying life and learning things at a school where you are earning good grades while balancing a social life. I believe a school's value is what you make of it. If you take full advantage of what the school has to offer then you are making the most of it and make smart choices.