University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Michigan-Ann Arbor?


I find that the most frustrating thing about Michigan is the difficulty for middle class students to get scholarships. The school focuses much on diversity and offers many scholarships (even full-rides) to minorities due to the fact that they are minorities. I do not have a problem with need-based financial aid, but I do have a problem with it when it is disguised as "merit-based". I could have the same grades as a minority student , but when applying for scholarship this student would have much better odds than I at getting scholarship.


The most frustrating thing about this school is that in order to complete most degrees in 4 years a student must begin taking courses for that degree Freshmen year. There is no time to figure out what you want to do.


Professors often seem more in touch with their research than their students.


For me, its definitely the weather. Coming from Missouri I'm not quite used to the long winters in Michigan.


The professors don't give as many practice problems and solutions for students to practice as I'd like.


GPA Necessity.


The most frustrating thing about Michigan is that the class can be so large that you never get to know the professor and vice versa. I know some of my GSI's really well but graduate schools want professor recommendations.


The money problems im facing trying to afford school, gas, food, rent, bills, all at the same time. its gets a little stressful.


Living on North Campus as a freshman is awful because the buses are inconvenient.


There aren't enough social activities that don't involve alcohol.