University of Michigan-Dearborn Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Michigan-Dearborn know before they start?


College has broadened my knowledge of everyday life and has given me information I need to succeed in my future. A college degree is mandatory in today's life if a person is looking for a good paying job and a firm future. My university is a wonderful school to have on my transcript when I am applying for my future job. It gives me resources to make the best of my future job and life.


What I've received from my experience in college is that there is a big difference from transitioning from high school where it requires me to be more responsible about my work. I've learned to care more about my grades because the college teachers really aren't pushy as to a high school teacher who may inform my parents. I've become more responsible with due dates and scheduling my personal time with homework time. I feel like I've matured as a woman with the experience I've gained with being neat on my assignments and not being tardy. I find that just wanting to go to college is extremely valuable because it gives me something to do that can later help me in the future. For me, college gives me something to do and each day I'm able to learn something new. It's also fun when I get to tell a family members or any other person what I've learned. Filling my head with new knowledge is a positive thing. As I go to school each day, I get to see a variety of people that I don't normally see in my town.


My college experience seems as if high school has just been dragged on. I always try and quitting is on the last of my mind; many say college is very difficult because it is the time where everything counts. However, in my instance, this is not true. I am a hardworking, committed well-being in anything I aim for. From school, to work, to just taking care of my baby sister, I am well rounded, hard working person. Everyday college gives me new a task to accomplish, and every day I am ready to take on these tasks.


My college experience has embrace me for a new journey in my life. The students and the faculty get along great. Everyone that goes to college is very mature. College is teaching me that life is difficult, but at the same time is meant to be enjoyed. I now know that I have to grow up and be ready to take on a new path in my life.


I have gained so much from my college experience. I feel it made me more outgoing, and more focused on my goals for the future. It had made me grow as a person and help me realize my strengths and weaknesses whether it be academically, or personally. I have gained so many new friends from all the programs I have gotten involved in. I feel like my campus has become a second home. From the people to the faculty, everyone has helped me to realize my goals, and through making connections with these people, have even help me achieve some of them. I feel I have so much going for me and it all wouldn't have been possible without the up and downs I have experienced while attending college.


I used to think college was just a means to an end. I needed to become a professional in this world to fulfill standards that my family had, and I used to think college was just a way to accomplish that. I didn't realize, though, that it taught me a lot about how to survive in the real world by managing time, accepting failures and having determination. Like many students, I lived on a schedule of procrastination. Without any teachers or parents looking over me or out for me, I had to buckle down and learn my own pace. That was one of the most important things I took away. In addition to this, I learned the value of failure. I thought it was the end of the world, being unable to accomplish something on the first crack. But, I realized how to accept failure and how to learn from it and better myself by it. It was failure that taught me how to become a more determined person and that made me realize that the things I wanted in this world, I had to fight hard for. So, here I am, fighing once again.


The most important thing I gained from my first year in college is my work ethic. Before I went to college I didn't see the value in working hard in school. In college, I learned that in order to succeed you need to put in a lot of time and effort. You can't just sit back and hope that the things you learn in class will stick. You have to make a conscious effort to learn.


My college experience has been thrilling. I am a psychology major; hoping to venture off into clinical psychology or psychopharmacology in my later years. I would like to make advances in this field, helping so many people in need. The University of Michigan-Dearborn has been so valuable to me because i have learned so much more about my major, and the professors are more than eager to work with their students making sure they succeed. I have been hospitalized 4 times in the past year and finances for medical bills and schooling have been insufficient; this is why I am in so much need of financial help. I want to continue my education at UMD because of the feeling of community yet independence, and intelligence but kindness as well. I want to put my hospitalizations in the past and have a fresher start this coming year, and one day, thanks to my experience at UMD, I will help people with problems of their own and conduct studies that will change history.


Currently a junior in college I realize that there were many things that I had not had sufficient preparation for. If I were to regress backward into time I would tell myself as a high school senior to create the person I want to be right away. Habits are difficult to break, rather its being more punctual and showing up on time, finishing projects earlier than the night before, or interning in positions you wish to acquire in the future. I would say that in the same way time can be manipulated it can manipulate. In college think in terms of semesters, two per year means two chances at a particular job opening or two semesters to accumulate enough credits to keep you on track to graduate on time. I?d be adamant about communicating that friends are necessary. High school ends, many people split and that just means make new friends. It?s easy when you are forced to attend classes with the same group of people five days a week, for four years. When you mature you go after your own pursuits and so does everyone else. Make an effort to make meaningful connections beyond group organizations.


I would tell myself to stay in school. I stopped school for marriage and a child and now I'm returning to earn my Bachelor's degree. I would also have advised myself to hold on to my dearest friends as much as possible.