The gorgeous campus, the proximity to the city, and the large and diverse number of classes, majors, and activities available.
The Univeristy of Minnesota- Twin Cities has some of the best academics in Minnesota, as well as nationally. Being part of a large campus allows students to fully explore all the opportunities, both academic and extra curricular, available to them while in college. When my friends and I compare colleges, it is always nice to bring up acceptance rates. The U is not an easy school to get into with an acceptance rate for my class being just over 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}. Getting into the U is no easy feat and truly requires a passion for learning and possession of knowledge.
I like to brag about how there is always something going on at school. Because there are so many people, so many cultures, and so many student groups, some event open to the public is almost always being put on somewhere on campus. Whether its a celebration, an informational meeting, or some sort of service event its never hard to stay busy during your free time. Not only are the student groups great sources for involvement, but the University itself really does push school sponsored events such as sports, arts, or other recreation.
The prominance of the education and the incredible people I have met.
The size and closeness to a big city full of career opportunities.
The excellent programs and the amazing urban location.
I brag about how renowned it is as a university. It is a very well-known school. It is a big deal to go to the University of Minnesota. I also brag about how the coursework is very rigorous. It takes a smart individual to be able to handle the coursework given at the University of Minnesota.
The food on campass! There is so many different kind of restuarants and cafe available.
There is nothing hard if I try because I have started from learning ABC. I worked so hard to get accepted into the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. The struggles of my education make me understand that college is my future determination. I believe even though English is my third language, but language barrier cannot stop me from getting high education. Here I am at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. The U gave me a chance to show who I am. I will not fail those who give me chance. I can do it, you can do it too.
The U of M offers many majors and has alot of different and amazing opportunities. Since it is divided into seven different colleges you basically get to go to the college of your choice. Each college has different majors that have to do with that certain college.
Even though I came to the United States when I was fifteen years old and enrolled as a Freshman in high school righ after the arrival, I was able to keep my GPA at 3.78 (unweighted) . In my senior year, I was chosen to be the captain of Math Team , but because I got accepted to Medtronic for my internship as an IT technician I was not able to commite to that position. I also went to Concordia University as a full-time PSEO student in my senior year, and I earned a 3.77 GPA at Concordia University.
I enjoy the fact that school is in a metropolitan area and that they offer a wide variety of majors. The school is great for specializing in many different things. University of Minnesota is also a fairly well known research institution.
The area around campus: there is so much going on. I loved living in a big city and would do anything to go back.
When my friends and I come home to spend time with each other, I always brag about my school’s sports entertainment, especially our football team. At the University of Minnesota, every sporting event is widely attended, and football and hockey seem to be the most popular. Attending football games during my first semester gave me a sense of belonging to the school, as I stood in the student section reciting our school’s uniques cheers and singing our fight song. People really show their school spirit and it makes me proud to be a part of it.
There are so many new people to meet and so many things to do! The city is amazing.
My school is number 3 or 4 in the nation for my major.
The beautiful sights on campus, the Jazz man, dorm life, and all the cool classes I am taking
When I talk about school I mainly brag about how active the fraternities and sororities are.
Well I have always enjoyed to parties and drinking with my friends. The University of Minnesota has a fantastic social but the academic aspect is pretty hard. Stressing out at the university of minnesota has led me to pursue drinking and smoking as an option.
It has great resourses for the student body and great departments.