University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Minnesota-Twin Cities? Why?


The worst thing about my school is the fact that the lectures with the professors are so large. In this setting, I don't feel comfortable asking the professor questions for fear of seeming like the "idiot freshman" who takes up everyone's time during lecture with stupid questions. I mostly just ask the TAs questions instead. Office hours are also a great opportunity to ask questions.


For those with disabilities, the university doesn't offer the easiest transportation for the student. During the winter, those in wheelchairs would not be able to get around campus easily. The classrooms, transportation, and accessibility for buildings needs to be reconsidered for those traveling by wheelchair. Other forms of mental disabilities is considered different and not given full attention towards that individual experiences, making that individual feel very alone and segregated from the university as a community. Such things as these would change the campus community in a very large and postive output.


The University doesn't designate enough resources to protecting its female student body. 1 in 4 women will be victims of sexual assault during their college careers. More attention should be brought not only to reported incidents and assault statistics, but also to mindsets and behaviors that lead to unsafe environments for women.


In my opinion, the worst thing about the University of Minnesota Twin Cities is its size. Physically, the campus is very spread out and can make getting to classes a time-consuming process. As a large research university, it also relies on TAs to perform a lot of the grading and student interaction rather than having the students directly interact with the professors. However, I think this varies greatly with each department and area of study. Being a large school also has many benefits, as it has a lot to offer to its students in terms of resources and opportunities.


The tuition is frightening for an out of state student.


The worst thing about my school is that greek life is a pretty big part of the campus and the parties and events are very exclusive. The academic advisors are also not very halpful and there is not a lot of funding for out of state tuition.


The University of Minnesota seems huge at first but once you start taking classes you realize that people are generally on one of the three campuses so it seems like a smaller school. I often run into people I know! There's truly something for everybody, whether that's athletics, academics, or arts and to do any of those you do not have to be the best! There are intramurals and clubs and somebody new to meet everyday. Its a great place to explore who you want to be and to meet interesting people all while at a good school


Sometimes the schoolwork can seem like too much and it gets very stressful. It is important to stay organized and focused. Once finals week comes, you want to know what tests you have to study for and what material you need to know. Finals week can be very overwhelming because sometimes all your finals could be scheduled for the same day.


The weather is the absolute worse. I have lived in Minnesota for the majority of my life, and the winter isn't that fun of a time to be at the U.


Its size makes it unwieldy to run and administrators often need a lot of prodding to solve problems - even the ones they made themselves.


It is a very reserached-based school. Therefore, many of the professors are teaching on the side; however, their true focus is there research, which makes it sometimes difficult to get in touch with certain professors.


Again, the worst thing is cost. This is because I have to pay. But it is completely worth it since I am able to attend the school that makes me feel at home.


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Well everyone has their own opinions on what is the worst thing about their school, but for me, I think that the worst thing about the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities has nothing to do with academics or social networking, but its humongous campus is what I find very exhausting. Such as when I am walking from class to class. Especially in the winter time when the weather can get bitter, I would always need to run to avoid frostbites.


That all of the scholarships (pretty much) are for in state students. Even though reciprocity is talked about a lot, they don't mention the fact that they save all of their good scholarships and grants for Minnesota residents.


The pollution can't get really bothersome at times, especially near building entrances where smokers tend to congregate. Why? Well, I hate the smell and prefer to breathe fresh air.


The large number of students does make it hard to feel connected to your professors, but that is easily fixed by going to office hours.


My university is a world famous school, the university of Minnesota at Twin Cities. Therefore, its student population is very huge indeed, which might be the worst thing of it. With the huge student population, the professor can't teach every class here themselves and sometimes don't even know about who you are. And the student service office as well as the office of student finance is not very effective due to the same reason. They can't supply detailed service for each individual. and it usually causes inconvenience for us.


The hardest thing about attending the U of M is the bureaucracy. Sometimes, you can't get a straight answer on anything because you need to talk to several different people to answer one question. For example, I earned two bachelor's degrees (a BA and a BS) at the same time, and the registrar's office didn't obtain the information properly, although the colleges did. I had to spend an entire day straightening out this mess so I could graduate with both degrees on time.


The academic advising is awful. I was assigned to four different advisors at various times while attending this school. None of them gave me helpful advice nor were they often and readily available for in person meetings. I had to figure out my graduation path and create my schedule on my own which was very difficult as I struggled to get required classes done as well as be aware of and complete all of my requirements on time.