University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Minnesota-Twin Cities?


It isn't cheap to go to the university, but the same could be said about most large schools.


This perhaps isn't anything to complain about, but for a southern girl who loves being outdoors like me moving way up north, I wasn't quite sure what to expect from the weather. I was expecting the cold, but what I wasn't expecting was that they wouldn't keep the sidewalks very well clear. I can't tell you how many times I've slipped and fallen this year. The campus is also pretty drab looking in the winter, which is a horrible contrast to how pretty it looks in the summer.


It's too close to my parents


The most frustrating thing about Minnesota is the cost. As the middle child, I have a sibling that has already been in school and a sibling that will go school right after I graduate, therefore they have to be conservative with their money and I have to pay for myself.


being a first year student the most frustrating thing about the U


The most frustrating thing will be the size of the University. I am a city lover, and enjoy being in a big college where I meet new people and learn interesting things everyday. But sometimes it is hard to find your place. It's very easy to get lost in the crowd. I encourage new students to be outgoing and find a good friend circle. At sucha big university, there are bound to be many people who share your interests and beliefs.


Meal plan requirements if you live in a dorm with a dining hall.


Some teachers are more interested in their research rather than teaching well. It is sometimes frustrating to try to find help in some subjects as well - either from a teacher or tutor.


The most frustrating thing about my school, the University of Minnesota at Twin Cities is that they are not very transfer friendly. As a transfer student myself, I could not get on campus housing and I cannot register many courses I like because they don't reserve places in courses for transfer students. Besides, there is limited scholarship and financial aids opportunities for transfer students, which is the reason why I have to compete an online scholarship with numerous people. If I am not a transfer student, then my condition now will surely be better.


The large classroom sizes and lack of direct communication with the professors. Also, the lecture based structure is not very stimulating.


The most frustrating thing about the University of Minnesota is that there are so many offerings, opporutnities, clubs, activities and interesting classes, you would have to be enrolled for at least a decade to experience everything the University makes accessible to its students. That's not a bad frustration to have! College is a time for you to spread your wings, try out all different classes and different student organizations to find the cause that you are truly passionate about. The University at Minnesota will offer you every opportunity under the sun, which could either be exciting or intimidating.


High rent for off campus housing


Parking was always difficult.


The sheer size of the campus, while necessary, can be very time consuming to navigate. Even when you have fifteen minutes between classes, it can take more than that amount of time to cross campus.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that I have to commute. I decided to live at home this year to save some money, but walking to campus is very frustrating. I have to wake up earlier just so I'm there on time and alot of time in my day is spent just going there and back. Sometimes my commute is longer than the time I'm on campus in class.


At the U of M the most frustrating thing about school is the fact that I really want to be a nursing major, but they are so competative on the application process that I feel that I have to give all of my time and energy just to work at it. Also, they always get my financial messed up. It gets to be super frustrating.


The thing I have found most frustrating is making significant contact with the faculty. It can be difficult to make personal contact with the faculty for things such as recommendation letters. The student must make a large effort to make this contact at a school as large as the University of Minnesota.


I tend to be a positive person, however the University of Minnesota has many problems that need to be addressed. The one problem that makes me mad is the lack of bike lanes. While traveling along side busses and cars at early morning hours and late at night may seem dangerous, riding on sidewalks where directionless pedestrians are zigzagging back and forth is even more dangerous. There are only two spots on campus with designated bicycle lanes, and they make sidewalk traffic move more efficiently for all parties involved. I feel we need more of these necessary devices around campus.


The most frustrating thing about my school, (besides the rising costs, poor leadership, and struggling athletics), is the lack of control. It is a public institution with distant decision makers. I serve on the student council and feel lucky to meet anyone with significant authority. Changes are slow, decisions based on a sad financial future, and as a first year student I feel powerless. The lack of control is frustrating.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the size and the distance there are between classes.