University of Missouri-Columbia Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Missouri-Columbia know before they start?


I think that the most important thing about finding the right college is finding a school that is going to benefit the student most when it comes to their emphasis of study. Where is the best school that you can get a degree in that major and go from there. It is also important to take into consideration the size of the school and whether or not that student feels comfortable with alot of people or the college town atmosphere. Lastly, one choice that I would never take back is joining my sorority. I have made countless friends and been able to network to better my learning and experience here at MU. If there is one this I could stress to incoming students it is to go through recruitment because of the numerous benefits that can come from your time in that particular chapter.


Although the cost of education is often a big factor in choosing a college, it should not be the only factor or even the major one. There is something to be said for the experience of going away to a larger school (that may cost more money). The experiences I have had at Mizzou will be ones that I take with me throughout life. I have made amazing friends here and received an incredible education. I get to share that with all the other alumni from Mizzou for the rest of my life! I can walk through the airport knowing that I'm going to meet up with someone that is either going to Mizzou or graduated from there, and it makes the world feel small. You have family wherever you go! That can't always be said about a smaller college. I went to a smaller college first, and I didn't feel the same comradery that I do here at Mizzou. It gives me confidence!


If I were giving someone advice about choosing the right college, I would tell them to tour all the colleges that they're interested in. Once they've toured them all, they'll know which one they will want to choose. I knew when I came to tour Mizzou that this was the school for me. The campus was absolutely gorgeous and I knew that I would always be so proud to say that I'm a tiger. I love every minute that I spend here, and I have made so many friends that will last a lifetime. Just remember, keep the door open when first moving into the dorms because that's the time to meet the people living next door. That's a great way to make friends, and begin making memories. Everyone else around wants to make new friends too, so if you see an open door, walk in and say HI! College will be the best years of your life. Make the best of it.


I would say do as much research as you can on the college, prepare yourself for the workload, stay on task, have a much fun as possible, and start saving money for college very very early on!


In choosing a college you should visit as many schools as possible. Do not rule out a school because of size or what your peers say. You need to find out about these schools for your self. There are so many people from other colleges that visit my school and say they wish they went here. Most of them ruled it out because it was too big or they knew more people from high school that were going elsewhere. This is a huge decision and you need to weigh all of your options based on your own experience. To make the most of your college experience you need to put school first. College should be the best time of your life so do everything in your power to stay there. If you put your studies first you will find that you still have plenty of time to have a blast. There are too many kids that come to college and party themselves out in one semester. You are paying a ton of money for your education so get the most out of it. Everything else will fall into place and you will have a blast, I promise.


Make sure you prepare financially for college.


When making a decision for college make sure that you talk about the pros and cons for each college so that you know what is best going to fit you. Realize that you and your parents may not agree at first, but in the end it is where you are going for education for your future. Make sure you do not rush in to anything. When I was deciding my mother and I did not agree at all but after sitting down and looking at the pros and cons and visiting each school, we finally agreed on a decision. And I could not have been happier about it.


Make sure that you look at different college programs and what they have to offer before you decide on just one. It's okay to have a favorite choice but make sure that you have back-ups. When entering college, use you academic advisors and other resources of that nature to find the fight college plan for you. Many college freshmen have a hard time adjusting to the new school and new structure. Don't get discouraged if you don't do as well as you thought you would have. Just keep trying harder and it will all pay off. Join a club that interests you to be involved and meet new people. But don't join a lot of different ones just to make your resume look good. It's better to be focused on one. Make sure that you give yourself enought time to study and a nice, quiet spot with mimimal distractions. Be sure to take breaks and give yourself some free time as well. Most importantly, be smart about your decisions, be safe on and off campus, and have a good time while getting a great education!


In my experiance of searching for schools, I found that doing lots of research online helped out alot. Also visiting the campus several times to get the feel for how it will be like living there is very important. Keep your options open, and apply early. There is always a way to get into the school you want, you just have to be proactive in your search.


I would advise students to take their time going over colleges, making sure to learn about the classes that are offered, the social life, and also to check out the actual campus. At college, go to the Fall Welcome activities, as it really does help you to meet people and learn more about the school. Get involved in organizations on campus, don't miss classes, and join study groups.