University of Montevallo Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of Montevallo?


College Night at Montevallo. It has been the homecoming tradition for years, and it is amazing. GV4!


It's an amazing small school that allows you to build a close community with your professors and fellow students. You never feel overwhelmed by a crowded class because the biggest class you might have would be around 40-50 students. Also when you look at the beauty of the campus itself you realize it has its own history and is proud to show it.


The University of Montevallo is very small and allows students to get a private school education for the price of a public school. With smaller classroom sizes there is more one on one relationships with professors and students allowing the student to excell in academics. The small campus also allows students to become familiar with the student body and not get lost in a sea of people. It is unuiqe in its traditions and is the only liberal arts college in Alabama. The traditions here are much different then any other southern school.


Small classes. Very personable campus. Quaint city and campus. College night tradition that is amazing.


Montevallo has a very friendly atmosphere. The classes are very small which allows you to be well known by your professors and allows one on one time with them. The campus is very diverse, but enables you to become familiar and acceptable of everyone, which will be needed not matter what type of profession you choice.


When I tell my friends about my school i like to emphasize on the fact that It is a very diverse school and it allows people to be themselves at all times. I also like to tell them about how the size of my school affects my academic progress in a positive way because the classs sizes are smaller so I have more one on one time with my teachers.


I brag mostly about the beauty of the capmus, and the academic programs as well as the social events.


When telling ym friends about Montevallo, i always brag about how beautiful the campus is, how helpful the professors are, and how diverse and friendly the students are. Montevallo is a school that is built off of history, the history of the school makes the campus more gorgeous everytime i hear about it. As i stated earlier, the professors are always available to assist teir students whenever and in every way possible. Although we have large amount of diversity at Montevallo, students tend to get along so well. Everyday you meet new people at Montevallo.


Purple side to the day I die.


The small, friendly atmosphere. The class sizes are small and the professors really try to get to know you and help you. You don't just get lost in the crowd. The campus is also very old and has a lot of history to offer.