University of Nevada-Las Vegas Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Nevada-Las Vegas?


Expensive housing and dining plans


The lack of finacial help that is avaliable to students who don't recievce federal help.


One of the most frustrating about my school is the difficulty to meet with an academic advisor. I would like my school to have a registration process that is easy and convinient. This would allow me and every student get the best adivse in timely manner.


Parking on campus


The most frustrating part about my school is the distractions. Everyone here are very interactive with school activities and other things. There's a time where that's cool and there's a time where I just want to stay home and study or do my homework.


The most frustrating thing about my school is how many unnecessary fees we have to pay. Classes and dorms are already extremely expensive as they are, but you'll find small hidden fees such as recyling fees and computer lab fees. Any changes that they make to the school, they charge you more for, and you have no say in anything.


Probably the most frustrating thing at UNLV is the financial aid office and the registrar's office. They often give me a run around from more than two different people just to get a simple task done. Their directions are also conflicting most times and it makes it even more confusing.


I am a newly transfered student to UNLV, so giving advice to other students about UNLV is not appropriate for me at this time. I will be starting my first academic year with UNLV on August 27, 2012, with that said, all I can really say to new students is to ask questions. The only question that is a stupid question is the one not asked. As this is college, the majority of the students are paying for their education and asking questions is the only way to get any kind of answer.


The most frustrating thing about UNLV is its large size. It's terribly easy to get swallowed up in a sea of strangers and miss opportunities to make friends and find kindred spirits, especially as a commuting student.


The city in which is is situated is quite a hopeless place to live.