University of Nevada-Reno Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Nevada-Reno know before they start?


The greatest lesson I have learned from my college is to never give up. No matter what problems are put in from of you. A person needs to stay strong and break through them. It is not easy and never will be, but that is what makes life worth living. I have made mistakes in life, in school, and in general. I have two medical conditions that are with me for life and at any moment could have me on lying on the floor in an instance. I could have let my mistakes and medical problems beat me and do nothing with my life, but going back to college has taught me that I can overcome these problems and I do not need to let them rule my life. I am a master of them and as long as I take care of myself I will be fine. It is a daily struggle and I will never give up. I have a goal in life to become a math teacher and I know I will make it with the help of my college. The greatest lesson learned is the knowledge of selfworth and determination given to me by my college.


Entering college was one of the best ideas I have ever had. Not only has college challenged me to try new things, but it has also made me realize a lot about myself. In high school I was the class salutatorian and student body president. Grades, popularity, yes, I had it all! Unfortunately, things changed for me during my first semester attending a four year university. Though, I would not say the factors that changed are a completely bad thing. I’ve just learned that being a “little fish in a big pond” can do two things: scare you, or inspire you. Positively, this “big pong” has done nothing but inspire me, as it makes me want to go out and try even harder every day. Attending the University of Nevada, Reno was the best thing I could have ever done, not only for my education, but for my self-esteem as well!


So far i have learned to be self reliable. There is not always going tobe someone there to mke sure i get up in the morning to go to class or work. There will be no one there to tell me to do my homework or study. Its only me who can push myself the most. Also i have learned how to manage time better. Realizing that i have class in five minutes means i have no time to hang out. The social aspect has changed a lot too. If i have homework that needs to get done or class to go to, i have no time to talk with friends or throw the football.


Being in college I have received the understanding that I have the potential and now resources to better my future. My family history was not college graduates, many of my family did not even graduate high school. And I'm on the path to being the first grandchild in my entire familly of over twenty five cousins to receive a masters degree. Even through the bumps in the road I continue to persever and will not give up on my dreams no matter what everyones doubts may be. School has been valueable to me becuse it has made me grow out of my shell and pursue everything I do with one hundred percent effort. School is leading me to a better path and I now know that hard work is worth the effort because the end result will be well worth the struggles.


Pursing in Art Education has a long-term goal as a professional working in the art world. To be, live and work in the art world is my passion. Whether it be as an art director, museum curator, or a teacher of art, the important matter is that I wish allow others to be among art that makes then think, feel, and be. Through the progress of Art Education as a learning experience, I will be better equipped over time to present art from a broader perspective and from more corners of the world for others to see; assist in the conservation of the world’s greatest art, and to expand artistic knowledge to others who are unaware or unable to witness of the empowerment of art. As pursing in Museum Studies and Community Art, I wish to allow students to see works of art for themselves and make their own interpretations of what they are seeing, feeling and thinking. I want students to be able to ask questions of works of art without having the feeling of a wrong answer; as an artist the viewer does not have a wrong answer for what they are interpreting in the art.


College has made me become independent. Before college I had my parents support and even teachers with financial stability and homework help, but now I have to worry about all of these things on my own. When it comes to school work, my Professors are not always as understanding as my teachers were in high school and I didn't have to worry about money as much. Now that I have experienced these changes (even if it's only been 3 months) I feel that now I am an actual adult! I have taken responsibility as far as going shopping for myself and getting assignments turned in on time etc. College is so important to attend because it really lies down a foundation for you to build the rest of your adult life on, especially in today’s economy where jobs are so uncertain and the future of America as we know it looks unclear. I would say that going to college should be a top priority of every young person out there, so that they always have an upper hand in life.


What have I gotten out of my collge experience is hard for me to answer, considering I've only been a college student for a couple weeks, but I have gotten a couple things out of it. The biggest thing that I have experienced is my maturity level rising, being around so many people you have to act older than you are, afterall you want everyone to think that you are older than you really are. Another thing that I have gotten out of college is the sense to stay on top of things and not to slack of, deadlines are all closer than you think, so staying current and alert is a must.


I work to pay for college, which is not easy. I work as an ornamental ironworker with fifty to sixty hour weeks while I am not in school to pay for college. So far I have realized that the trivial things shouldn't be taken for granted. I greatly appreciate the privilege I have to work and be able to attend the university. Im not a frat boy who attends school on someone elses dollar, partying in all my free time. I dont have the luxury of being able to relax too often. Since work and school take up a majority of my time, I have to plan time out carefully. Being able to manage time is one life skill I have gotten out of college of the many others I have gotten as well. My father is a very hard worker, and by being able to successfully work and attend school I know he is proud of me. To be as diligent, driven and hardworking as my father is one of my ulimate goals, and the college experience has helped me with the first few steps.


I am only three weeks in and I've already made a lot of friends. I also live in the dorms so it's making me a lot more responsible because i don't have my mom right beside me like i did through all my other school years. There is still more to experience obviously, its just so exciting to think about. I love my Mechanical Engineering major, we have to build a hovercraft. That will be fun. It's valuable because it gets me out from under my mom's wing and it really shows me what the real world is about. It's a big transition but it's just something to get used to.


I have met a lot of nice people so far. I have learned to have a greater sense of independence. College is nothing like high school teachers expect more out of you and expect you to have more money.