Work hard, have fun, do not sweat the small stuff, and shoot for the stars because anything is possible! Also, be involved in clubs, sports, and volunteer work within your school and the community. Those are the things that enrich the college expereince. Enjoy every day because tomorrow is not promised and love other people because that is what life is about!
I would tell myself not to get caught up in the social high school crowd and possiblty not even date, rather focusing on my studies. Otherwise I think I did a pretty good job of preparing myself for college. I was an AP honors student and participated in many sports, which showed me how to manage my time efficiently-a skill that is much needed in the realm of college.
When I would go back to myself as a senior high school student; I would talk of three major topics dealing with my life now as a college student. The first major topic I would talk to my younger self would be about majors; I would say to ignore that part of college and put more focus into grasping everything and anything in life. Choosing a major is just a second hand to what is really important out there in college. The second thing I would talk about financial aid. I would pound the value of free money into my younger self?s head. Just because I got some from the government, there is millions of free money out there just waiting to be claimed. I would be a drill sergeant and just scream at me to not be lazy and search for free money all time- it is a 24/7 job. The third would be the hardest and most important: the transition between high school and a four year university. I would say that it is not easy and it takes time. ?DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP? is going to be our marching theme.
I would teach myself time management. There is ALWAYS enough time to do everything you are given, its just putting the important things first. I would also advise myself to start out with the major I have now, as opposed to switching a few times! There would also be words said about reducing a social life, knowing that these classes matter, even though high school was a breeze.
I'd say "relax, there's nothing to be worried about , only to be super excited about." the social life gets really exciting. Getting to meet tons of new people is really exciting no matter how shy you are. Stay on top of your finances, it's easy to find yourself in a bind so spend your money wisely the first year.
Pick me!! I never win anything! haha
explore the college more thoroughly
To study as much as possible to get a really good GPA.
I would tell myself to prioritize my time better, and to really focus on my study habits. Those would be the two most important topics. I would also say that even without getting into the school that I originally wanted to get into, that the University of Nevada Reno is a college filled with open opportunites for me. There is nothing to worry about because the only thing that matters is what you do with the challenges that are faced in front of you. College isn't a scary place, it's a place that can really shape who you will be when you grow up. In the end, all I can really say is that college is a fun place filled with many opportunities that can and will help you in the future.
I would budget better. Not being supported by my family has had its challenges, and everything I have now I'm so thankful for. I really need this scholarship. It would help me in so many ways.
I look at myself in the mirror and think of that girl I used to know in high school. I could tell her all about the "I should have's" that would prepare her for college.
She should have taken those SATs. She should have been more active in student leadership. She should have worked more in the summer and hoarded her money--perhaps then she wouldn't be presently driving herself insane trying to keep from taking out student loans. She should have graduated with honors so the scholarships would now be chasing her rather than she them. All of these things and more she should have done so that she could attend an institution like Harvard or Cambridge and hold her head high with that dreamy illusion of prestige that still makes her whistful.
I could think of the advice I could give in terms of the "I should have's" to tell my former self, but where would that get me? No, instead I would tell her not to change a thing; I believe that she would have understood even then that we must make mistakes in order to recognize the opportunities that lay on the horizon.