When looking for a college don't make a decision solely on money, or if the school is at an IVY-league status. See how the school will help you as an individual. Look at what the school offers for people of your ethnicity and also your gender. It is also good to look at what is around the campus and if it interests you because you not only have to go to school there you also have to live there.
When choosing a college, the first step is deciding whether you want to live close to home or if you want to be more adventurous and move far away. It is important that the student really takes the time to decide what is best for them since, for a mojority of the time, the parents are probably going to want their son or daughter close to home. After making this first choice, the next step is finding a school that matches the student's dream college. The student will need to take into consideration the quality of the school in regards to the student's major, the quality of the education offered, the size of the school, the size of the city, the quality of the living, and the style of the school (i.e. classic or modern). Then, of course, the student and the parents should tour the school, just to make sure it is the best choice.
From experience, I would advise students who are both sure and unsure of their area of study to take core classes and explore diverse courses in their first year. Though it varies, jumping into a major can cause stress and uncertainty later in the academic career, hindering the overall college experience. In addition, the four year plan tends to fail in these cases. In finding the right college, go to a school that offers more than one area of interest in case one does not work out. Also, explore financial aid and check out the surrounding areas to guarantee success.
I believe success comes in two ways: academically and personally. It's important to understand that college is four years of your life. Whatever you do in those four years will have an impact on your future in the long run. Though staying academically driven is crucial to your success, it is also important to experience life. Take a snorkeling class. Go to University productions. For particular career interests, join an organization that is active in that field. Not only will you have fun and make friends, but you may also gain networks, internships and even jobs after graduation.
Choosing a university is a deeply personal decision. There are many factors that should go into the process, including future ambitions and personal interests. These two factors will help ensure that the student will choose the appropriate school for their individual needs and desires.
When considering a university, the future one wishes to achieve is extremely important. There are many people that are pressured to attend one university over another because of influence from family and friends. These should not be immediate factors that determine the decision. What should be considered is whether or not the university in questions offers everything the perspective student needs to accomplish their goals.
Present interests are another significant factor. College is not all about academia. There should be an equal balance between education and personal interest. Researching the opportunities each university offers is a good way to ensure that all desired elements will be obtained and the experience will be a positive one.
These factors are imperative when considering which university is best for the perspective student. Both of them will help to focus the student on what they need to look for out of each school before settling on one.
I would advise both students and parents to look at college as a very smart investment no matter how much they spend on tuition because if used right, you can get more benefits in return than you paid for. For instance, many campuses offer all kinds of free amenities to the students such as, articles of clothing, movies, fitness centers, tutoring, discounts for various places around town, and even things you can't put a price tag on, such as library resources and a pleasant environment in which to live. The biggest benefit that a student can receive at the school is free health services. Basically if the student is ever sick or injured, instead of paying a fortune at the doctor's office, that student can go to the school doctors for free at any time. To make the most of your college experience you must take advantage of all of these free amenities that are offered to you. By the end of your college career you could easily get more free amenities and services than you paid for in tuition.
The number one thing to remember before starting your first year of college is to START EARLY. Discuss your financial situation and if you need to apply for loans and scholarships, do so several months before you begin school. If you want to move away from home, seriously consider staying in the dorms. While the prospect of using communal showers and toilets might not sound appealing, you will meet incredible people (some good, some bad) and you will find your experience much more enriching. Look at what classes are offered and make sure you take enough to keep on track but not so much that you find yourself bogged down -- the first year away from home is hard enough without 19 credits resting on your shoulders. Finally, visit the campus, talk to people, watch some people. If it's the right place, you'll know. And if it ends up being the wrong choice, make sure you've studied how to properly transfer your credits!
Don't listen to other peoples opinions of where you should go, or what your major should be. Go with your gut. If you don't know what you want to major in then don't stress. Take classes that you like and you will succeed. Your degree will take shape as you find your niche!
Advice for parents: Encourage your children to go to college. It is best to start thinking about college early and set aside an education account, and by the time they are ready to go there is money for a head start. Finding the best college in some cases is trying to fit within your finical means. Starting out a community college helps with the transition to a university, plus less on the wallet. Anyone can go to the college of their dreams, but for some their dream university is harder to get there. It is better to do your best for what is available and that way you still will hold a 4 year degree and in the meantime plan for the college of your dreams. To me, making the most of my college experience is to learn and study with the time I am there to take full advantage to help prepare myself for the career world. It helps to network and meet teacher and fellow students because they might know something you may need. Have and open mind and do your best. College is hard, but making the best of it is what effort one puts into it.
Visit the school, talk to professors, find out if it is economically suitable, housing costs, greek life, basically the essentials that make a good college experience. Find a school that has good accessible jobs for students and a friendly welcoming group of peers.
I would find a college that would suit the student's personalility and their comfort level. For example if you are not a big city person, don't go to school in a big city. Also, look at schools that offer degrees that are of intrest to the student. Also if the school has a really good program in the field of student that the student is intrested in it makes the college excperience even better. For example I am an education major and UNR is one of the best schools for an education degree.