Finding the right college is a difficult task. Parents and students should look at the programs and degrees that the college offers and then the general atmosphere of the college. Every college campus I have been too has a different feel. I choose a college for the nursing program they had but also because of the vibe I got from the school. The campus is beautiful the people were very friendly they smiled when I walked by and they answered questions when I was lost. This school has a very successful athletic department that the entire community supports and I enjoy attending these games. College is what you make of it. It is very important to do well in school but it is also important to enjoy your time there. It goes by so fast, make friends they will probably be your best friends that you will know for the rest of your life. Join groups, organizations or clubs be active in the community. You will get so much more than just an education. Most importantly have fun.
Research the school, the tuition and the area around it before you decide to enroll. Make sure you feel comfortable on the campus and in the area around it since you have to live there for atleast nine months.
Visit the schools without friends prior to making a decision
Choosing the right college all depends on the person. But personally, I would recommend finding one that's a little far from home yet close enough to visit during the holidays because being away from parents, is what I believe the main point of college. Being on your own is what teaches you how to be responsible and how to survive in the real world. You learn the value of a dollar as well as finding your real friends. Being away, also helps students have an even better relationship with parents. College is the bridge to the real, adult world. If I can go back to my first day of school, I would try to participate in the events more. Enjoy every minute of being a college student. Because it does not take long for it to be over.
When looking at what university is best for you; you need to look at a variety of things: the credentails of the schools, the size, the location, the cost, the transportation, the on campus activities, as well as the off campus activities. You need to choose the unirversity that has your major, has a good staff, is in a location that is near things you enjoy to do, and is affordable for your situation.
In order to choose the right college you have to visit it first. Visit the school while classes are still in session and walk around campus with everyone else. If you feel out of place, it's not for you. You'll know when a college is right for you when you can walk on campus and feel accepted before you even apply there. Also, sit in on a couple classes (if you can), and see how the professors are. Make sure you find a college thats not only good for you academically, but also socially. College is about learning for your future, but also about making long term friends.
I would tell parents that children need to make their own mistakes, Yes it may be hard to let go, but college is a learning experience. They need to figure out what to do and what not to do, although there are times it is ok to interfere.
As for students, Have fun! You can get the best out of your experience if you do what you love. But some times it is ok to say NO and do homework or study. It's a matter of finding a balance and working that balance to the best of your advantage. Also don't be too hard on yourself your freshman year, it is always the worst.
The best advice I can give students and parents is to open your mind. When I first arrived at UNR, I hated it. I'm now a junior and I absolutely love it. Students just never know what road they're going to take until they get there so there's no point in putting up DO NOT ENTER signs just yet. This school, and most schools, are full of opportunities and you really have to seize them before the apathy of the post high school life seizes you. So what if you have to take a class that isn't relevant to your major? In the long run, it's going to prove useful by expanding your mind and letting you become a more well-educated individual.
So just let go of all apprehensions and step into college with a fresh mind and a hunger for knowledge because this may be the only time you have the world at your fingertips.
Visit the college before you decide.
The advice that I would give all parents and students about finding the right college would be to consider what is important to you and figure out which schools cater to those needs. It is important to do your research about the professors and the reputation of the school itself. Find out what there is to do on and off campus and the resources that will be available to you as a student there. As for making the most of the college experience, get involved and be a part of campus life. Meet new people and have an open mind. Be willing to learn and grow as a person not only professionally but emotionally. Have fun but remember to balance your schoolwork with social activites. Find your passion and pursue it. If your not sure what you want to do with your life, don't rush it, explore your options. College is the place to find what your good at and what you love so that you can be happy in your career choice and make a difference for future generations.