University of New Hampshire at Manchester Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of New Hampshire at Manchester?


I brag about the money I saved by staying home! All of my friends wanted to go to Durham, and honestly I did too, but I ended up switching down to the Manchester campus to save money. Everyone I speak to says it's a brilliant idea financially, and I couldn't agree more. The classes are just as challenging in Manchester, and you save a truckload by not having housing fees and a meal plan tacked onto your bill.


The number one thing that I brag about would be the kindness of each professors have towards the students. The hold firm on their assignments grading and due dates, however they make sure that they are available to ensure that you make it. They are very supporting. Also, they are very knowledgable in their line of expertise.


My school is very in tune with making the transition from highschool to college as smooth as it possibly can be. They offer a program stepping stones which i got involved proctoring which is a intro to college before you get there! They also offer a couse manditory for Freshman called first year seminar that helps first year college students learn necessary skills to be successful in their college carrer which i took and became a PAL (peer assistant leader) for.