Everyone is white.
The student body is very liberal and there are plenty of opportunites to be active. There is a good amount of diversity but it still seems to me that people of the same socioeconomic backgrounds and race hang out with each other. However this is not always true.
At UNC, I met people from all kinds of backgrounds. There are clubs and groups for all different kinds of interests as well. I do not think a person would ever feel out of place at UNC unless they did not want to be there. Students wear whatever they want to class although the sweatpants and t shirts are seen more closer to exam time. I met all kinds of people during my time at UNC. I even met a basketball player or two. Most students here are from North Carolina being an in-state school, but my out-of-state friends did not seem to have trouble fitting in. I also met people from all different kinds of financial backgrounds but finances did not seem to play a role in the social aspect at UNC. I was there for the 2004 elections and the campus got pretty heated with the college republicans and young democrats debating against each other. The campus is actually very politically and globally aware because of our excellent newspaper, the Daily Tar Heel
I don't think any student would feel out of place. The majority of students are in-state so maybe out-of-state students might feel out of place at first, yet everyone is new to campus and is looking to make new friends. It is just important to put yourself out there and try to meet new people in the beginning. It is much easier to make friends at the beginning of the year because not everyone already knows everyone else.
But like I said early, there is a variety of students that call UNC home. There is something here for everyone. You just have to figure out what that something is.
There is a large portion of uptight, conservative, spoiled, rich kids at Carolina, and they are generally very prejudiced. On the other hand, we also have a large international population. Some kids on our campus are very politically active
There is a very large mixture of people. Everyone and every lifestyle is represented. You can be as involved in racial, ethnic and other such activities if you choose. If you feel out of place, it may often be because you haven't pursued finding an activity that suits your interest. Quiet and secluded students seem to have the hardest time.
Most UNC students are from North Carolina. Meeting those outside the state can be the most fun and exciting of times.
There is a very large upper class constituency, but also a very large population that is receiving their education with grants, scholarships and loans. The greek population tends to have much more money and a higher SES. While money is evident, it is not highly regarded. This is incredibly contradictory, but creates a very open and diverse student body.
It is a very politically active population that is known as being very liberal and accepting. There is certainly a southern, conservative feel as well.
Most UNC students assume their degree will take them onto bigger, better, and high paying jobs in the future. Whether it be because of their family connections or through the degree.
UNC has a very diverse student body that it very active and full of life. We are a fun group of people... come join us and get to know us! Don't be shy.
I love the UNC student body. I think we have one of the most diverse campuses around. I know it sounds cliche, but I honestly feel there is a niche for everyone. I have never heard of someone who didn't feel they fit in here. UNC offers such a wide-range of activities, it is so easy to make friends and meet people. That's one of the things I will remember about UNC- the students, the family.
Student body is diverse, yet not as diverse as the University would like. The administration makes a concerted effort to increase the numbers of minorities on campus but, at the heart of it, it comes down to who decides to attend the University, not who is admitted. More caucasian females attend than any other group.
UNC is diverse, accepting, and socially stimulating.