Good school. The nursing program is great.
I personally am in Nursing School here and when I tell people I go to UNCG and am in the nursing program peope congratulate me. If you are looking for a great nursing program where people are going to respect you for your major and you want to be able to find a job right out of school UNCG is the place. The hospitals around here love UNCG graduates. The Nursing program is very challeging. To get in you need atleast a 3.3 GPA, this year the lowest GPA they accepted into the program was a 3.5, and it doesn't get any easier once you get in. I can't speak for any other major but the nursing school is very competitive and students in it probably study the most out of any major. The classes that you have to take outside your major are not hard. You can choose classes that are not challenging that usually are not as demanding as the classes for your major. A lot of the professors here are very nice and understanding, it isn't uncommon for teachers to go out with students after class.
Most of my professors know my name at UNCG, and professors do not mind meeting with you outside class. Most of the classes I have taken at UNCG have been intellectually stimulating and fun. I have the feeling that my teachers want me to succeed.
The average class size is about 35 students for every professor. My favorite course so far has been International Economics(ECO 300)--very practical course with enlightening ideas and concepts regarding the global economy. Students don´t seem to be very competitive, but rather just to get by.Personally, the Bryan school of business is quite rigorous and requires a great deal out of their students. I enjoy the challenge and fairness of the program.The education at the business school is geared towards getting a job because money drives the world.
at exam time, students study their asses off, but no one really follows the 23-hour quiet rules during the time. most of the students are slacker-ish in general education requirements, but into the higher course numbers, the more competitive the students.
The professors at UNCG are great! I havent had any "bad" teachers yet, and I have been here 3 years already... I took Accounting last semester with low expectations, but the teacher was so enthusiastic, that I actually enjoyed the class a lot. Smaller classes have a lot of participation opportunities, but bigger ones have some as well. A lot of freshmen transfer/go on academic probation but its bc they are too excited for college! You do have to study, but you are going to get an education, so that makes sense. I dont study very often, I do spend time on papers or projects that are due soon. My major is called Consumer, Retail, and Apparel studies. (the CARS dept.) They recently updated the study to include concentrations in retailing and consumer studies, apparel product design, and for the coming years outsourcing (as a major!). The programs in this department are really good...the education includes a required summer internship class, and that really helps you get real life experience...Plus it will help you get a job when you graduate as well.
Professors are pretty good. My favoorite professor expected alot out of his students but was also very helpful and knew whne students worked hard even if their grades did not reflect. Worst professor was in the Spanish dept. I do not want to take a language but have to to graduate. She taught a class knowing everyone in there was just trying to pass but insisted on making the class harder than it needed to be. I studied twice as much for that class than for my major classes combined. and still did not get a decent grade. Academic requirements there are too many depending on your major.
All of my professors have been very helpful, no matter the academic level of the class. I have had classes from 20 people to 200 people and you still get the same amount of learning. It's really easy to participate because you don't get judged and it's easy to really be yourself, considering the different types of people in each class. Each professor is more than willing to have one on one time with you and answer emails extremely promptly. As a psychology major, I often put learning material with everyday life. Even early in my major, I am able to match people with their social learnings.
Professors are kind and caring for the most part. I have had my share of sucky ones, and I'm sure I will have more in the future.
I feel that academics at UNCG are a little bit more challenging than some other colleges, especially the NURSING program!!!