University of North Carolina at Greensboro Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend University of North Carolina at Greensboro?


A republican


If a person wants to go to college and not have to take any large classes, he/she should go to UNCG. There are way more small classes than large ones. Its helpful for the students because it makes it easier to get to know the professor and to have the professor know you.


Honestly, our campus is so diverse that pretty much anyone would feel at home at UNC-G.


People who are trying to go to a party university or a big university. It is small, under 20,000 I think, but the only campus that still has trees in the UNC system...Nature still exists on our campus!


Someone who is very conservative, and not open to new ideas


I recommend anybody. But if school is not for you do not attend! UNCG works you really hard but in the end the outcome is wonderful


Anyone who is open for a change and is looking for a diverse community .