It is hard to describe in such a short paragraph the valuable experiences I have learned within my first year of college. Not only have I advanced my interpersonal and communication skills but I have met so many new people who have expanded my network of friends. I know college should be about learning and declaring a major but it is much more then that to me. I see now that even though all of that is important and the main focus, college teaches you to be independent from what you knew to be your world in high school and disciplined in not only your studies but so many areas of life.
If I had to sum up the one experience that has made the most impact, it would have to be that college prepares you for the world by forcing you to become disciplined in the areas of achievement. The only person that can make it happen is you as there is no one to fall back on in college.
I have loved being at UNCG. This is a school that every type of person can attend and because of that I have had the opportunity to meet so many new and different types of people. I have become more responsible while being at UNCG. I feel like an adult when I'm here because the teachers treat us like adults and not like little kids.
College has turned me into the person I am today and, honestly, I love myself. I speak up for what I believe in and have the tools to do it without coming off ignorant. I have tons of confidence that I believe comes from having some many great friends who support me no matter what. College has shown me that it is completely okay to be myself because there will always people out there who accept me for exactly who I am.
It is valuable to attend college because I had desired to have a career and to challenge myself. I felt that college would be a challenge that I wanted to overcome. I wanted to be a nurse and the only way to get there was through going to college plus I wanted to be different and make something out of myself that is why I am now attending and I enjoy it!
I got a great education and I had a lot of fun along the way. I was more prepared for my future.
I have learned a lot about diversity through my college experience. There are many different groups of people and they are all integrated in different organizations around school.
I recieved a great education in my field and the most amazing life experience by studying abroad, which is something that UNCG is really excited and open about. I was able to study many areas of interest to me outside of my department which has helped shape my goals for the future in a different way. I learned how to find the people that you need to surround yourself with personally, instead of just falling in with those that are around you. While I did not learn much in the way of networking, I did learn what it takes to make a working career in the field of Dance, which most career help does not take into account. I learned how to be independent and to go after what I want out of life. I learned how to better control my emotions and how to relieve stress. However, the most important thing I learned from college is to believe in myself and my talents becasue if you do not believe in yourself, no one else will either.
A sense of accomplishment that I haven't felt from anything else that I have done. Confidence. A very good job with good pay. Job security. Some admiration from others. Use the skills learned to volunteer and help others. Knowing I can take care of myself and be on my own during college. Student loans were worth it and have since paid them off as planned. Friendships. Great memories.The greatest benefit was the completion of a long term plan/goal. Realizing because of college that there are a lot of things I can accomplish if I want to.
I have learn so much of about the types of nationality at my school. My school is well diversify, and that every one matters. Majority of the students that I have talked or socialize with are from different background and we different in many ways but similar in a lot ways. I have met kids that were the first one in there family to go to college including myself, we have talked about how much we want to make a difference in this world by helping other especially the lest fortunate. As Biology student I am glad my major will prepare me to help other live a better and healthier life.
My college experience is a continued journey of welcomed challenges to overcome. I chose to attend college through my own desire for success and I chose a Speech Pathology degree as my path towards helping people. I thrive in an environment that offers endless knowlegde, and I believe the differences between people should bring us together, not seperate us. My natural temperment as a child was severly shy, so I have had to overcome alot of obstacles in my pursuits. Attending college has allowed me to increase my knowledge and understanding about people, as well as, overcome some barriers I've created by wanting to shy away rather than be a eager participant. I have come a long way in discovering myself and my role in the world. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to further my education because I believe it is essential for society to better understand the world in order to make adequate decisions about how to make it better. It has been very valuble to me to feel that I am participating in something meaningful. The opportunity to attend college has brought me purpose and drive towards success.