The most frustrating thing about my school is that it is so small, there are really no places to escape where you can't run into one of your friends or one of your classmates.
The most frustrating thing about my school is the lack of time you have for anything else but your shows. Going from back to back shows all the time does not allow you to get your life together. Struggling with depression almost feels like even more of a hardship here because it is so difficult to concentrate on getting mentally well when you have not been able to sleep, eat, or take care of yourself properly because you sacrifice so much for the program.
The most frustrating thing about my school is how busy everyone gets. We have shows, projects, classes, etc going on all the time that we tend to overwork ourselves a lot. People go home for breaks like spring break and just sleep because of how exhausted they are.
In the School of Filmmaking the teachers and administrators are extraordinary professionals in their field, but they are not trained to be administrators or teachers, and a lot of trouble and frustration comes out of this.
That no one cares that the academic classes are worthless, and that they still fail them anyway.
It's very demanding and very insular. It's quite hard to have a "life", and impossible to have one that doesn't revolve around other people at the school. I've barely seen the city, and have no idea what's going on outside of school.
Despite the work being very creatively challenging and enjoyable, sometimes in between running shows, going to arts and academic classes and tryin to maintain a positive social life, the work can get a little overwhelming. However if you are willing to talk to your teachers about any trouble you are havuing they really work with you on a personal and individual basis and are considerate of your numerous responsibilities outside of school. So overall it is great but I can see how some students who chose not to ask for help might struggle more than others.
Our schedule is so demanding there is not always any time to sit and relax. I mean we have acedemic classes from 8am to noon, then arts classes from 1 to 6, then our priduction schedule from 6-midnight Monday through Friday and frquently weekends as well.
There is so much to do in such little much work is cramed into one year