University of North Texas Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


In my opinion, the most popular organization on campus are the fraternities and sororities. I am involved in a non-panhellinic christian sorority, and I have met some of my best friends because of my involvement, not just my sisters, but also by involvement in greek week and interacting with other fraternities and sororities. The stereotype is that most of greek life is just partying, but it is a lot more than just drinking together on the weekends. We do community service together, have clean non-alcoholic date parties with other fraternities, and have weekend retreats together to just have fun. If partying is an interest, then there are opportunities, but there are other things to do also. A lot of students go to college nights at clubs like Billy-Bob's, and places like the Denton Cinemark and Movie Tavern have college discount nights. Homecoming is a huge deal at UNT every year, and there is a big parade and every organization makes a float. Football is also very important to our university, although we haven't been very good in the past, students still make tailgating and going to the games into a big social event.


In my opinion, the most popular organization on campus are the fraternities and sororities. I am involved in a non-panhellinic christian sorority, and I have met some of my best friends because of my involvement, not just my sisters, but also by involvement in greek week and interacting with other fraternities and sororities. The stereotype is that most of greek life is just partying, but it is a lot more than just drinking together on the weekends. We do community service together, have clean non-alcoholic date parties with other fraternities, and have weekend retreats together to just have fun. If partying is an interest, then there are opportunities, but there are other things to do also. A lot of students go to college nights at clubs like Billy-Bob's, and places like the Denton Cinemark and Movie Tavern have college discount nights. Homecoming is a huge deal at UNT every year, and there is a big parade and every organization makes a float. Football is also very important to our university, although we haven't been very good in the past, students still make tailgating and going to the games into a big social event.


UNT has something for everyone! You can sign up and use OrgSync, which is an online website that will allow you to search for clubs based on things you are interested in. We have everything from the Fashion Merchandising Inc., to the Star Wars club!


there is a on-site gym and lap pool.


Activities, well this year George W. Bush and Jeff Corwin (the animal planet guy) came to talk. Jeff Corwin was amazing and super intelligent and his sense of humor was just awesome. Anyways... UNT does have theater, and I've even seen the student actors practicing on an early Sunday morning sword fighting. I've never seen a play, I would, but they don't really make an effort to get the word out about it. Music concerts, a must go to of course. No excuses, find out when they are and go. Friends here? Well I met most of my on campus friends from Chinese class and my major, which, most kids taking Chinese are in my major... So we're a pretty close group which makes life here fun. And I'm pretty sure it's the same for other majors as well, especially music, ESPECIALLY MUSIC, but the same for most artsy degrees as well. The physics/biology majors here are also very tight-nit as far as I can tell. (And the science buildings are new, awesome huh?) Frats/Soroties, there's a few them, they have their own row of houses and are even building a new house for some new frat. They're a small-decent size on campus, not anywhere near as big as other schools such as UT or A&M, not really a frat school. But if you're into frats, you can expect to have your frat/sorority experience just as well here so no worries. :)


start drinking, if you dont now you will before it over with, and you will smoke. i never thought i would but i did for a while and it was a bitch to quit with out the patch. we have no traditions, if you left your dorm room door open somone would steal your shit (nearly had that happen, but i cought the sob in the act and tought him a lesson) frats and sorority girls.... hahahah. what a joke. sorority girls i wouldent touch one with a 100 foot pole, nothing but hoes. and the frat guys... dont even get me started. athletic events are a joke around here. hardly any one ever goes. if your awake at 2 am your either drunk or high, or watching someone whos tripping out and going dude... your an idiot.


Sororities and Fraternities are pretty popular, but it's not a cult like it is at other schools. People join to make friends but they don't shut themselves out of other social circles and they don't shut anyone else out. I'm in no way associated with the Greek system yet I have been invited to several frat parties. My friends are very into studying and having fun. We study when we need to, yet we love to go shopping, go the movies or go out to eat. A lot of my friends go to Fry street a lot and drink or go to bars in Dallas. My closest friends are actually from my job. We all work at a restaurant in Lewisville, yet many live in Denton and go to UNT. We carpool together for the commute. If I'm awake at 2am on a tuesday it's probably because I'm either studying for a test, on the phone with my boyfriend or watching television. Each year the square in Denton has a lot of events going on. I know that Dog Day in Denton is every June or something. The Homecoming parade and bonfire happen every year and so does the Fry Street Fair. People party a fair amount. Apartment and house parties are the most frequent but usually they aren't too crazy. Wine-tasting and dinner parties are becoming more popular among students. On a Saturday night if you don't want to drink, you can do a lot. The square in Denton has coffee shops and Beth-Marie's Homemade Ice Cream Parlor is opened till 11. It's a fun hangout spot. Also, Loop 288 has a ton of shopping and restaurants and there is a Cinemark and mall. Lewisville is only 15 minutes down the highway and there is a Main Event and even more restaurants. Dallas and Forth Worth are only 30 minutes away and there are tons of things to do there.


There aren't any for MBA students.


We are proud of our over 300 student based organizations ranging from Greek life to fencing and paint balling. I am a member of the second largest organization on campus, the Residents Hall Association serving as the Vice President of my hall. The atmosphere on campus is generally friendly, I hardly ever locked my door and never had anything go missing or get messed with. Athletics is a big part of life at North Texas there is hardly a game that goes by that I or my friends aren't in attendance. As far as nightlife is concerned theres a lot to don in Denton, whether it's hookha a Kush or clubbing at the Drink, theres always something to do in. And with Dallas and Ft. Worth right down I-35 there is ALWAYS a club or nice dinner out.


The school fails in attracting any guest speakers worth mentioning. Campus facilities are crudely furnished unless there is a signifigant fundraiser. A secure perimeter of bars and pubs around the campus furnish all your boozing pleasures.