University of Northern Colorado Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Northern Colorado? Why?


Our football team does poorly, and there is limited cell phone service in the dorms, whish makes it hard to talk to my family. I also dislike the food served in the dining hall because after a time it is either repetative, or too foriegn.


The worst thing about my school would have to be the food. Not as healthy as I would like, and they serve the same thing more than everyone would like.


The worst thing about UNC is that we have some very old buildings that need renovated. Some of our buldings have old layouts and need to be updated, but the school doesn't have funding for this. Since budgets are being cut, students are going to have to pick up the fee to help keep the campus up-to-date. This is hard on all of us, especially in an economy like we have now.


The worst aspect of my school is its reputation as a less academic alternative to larger schools in nearby cities. I always feel as if I am judged for my choice in universities. The fact that this university does not accomodate as many students does not detract from its academic rigor. Due to the nearby universities having larger reputations, this university is often overlooked.


There are times when our surrounding community, Greeley, is a bit frightening and unproductive. The city tends not to relate or participate with university students and it does have a high crime rate. I feel if we had a more supportive community around us then it would be easier for us to venture out in it and get involved in their activities. As it stands now, the students primarily stay on campus, or even go to other surrounding cities for a weekend of fun., rather than immerse themselves in their own city.


How some of the female professors are sexist towards males. I am a male so this counts against me.


I wouldn't give much criticism to the this school as it is the one I chose. I would have to say for a beatiful school like UNC it seems out of place in forever degrading downtown Greeley. As a music student I would like to see a much more grand and larger music library than what is here.


I believe that the worst thing at my school is that meal plans are so much money. I would like to get one becasue I live off campus but canno't afford the,m.


I consider the worst thing about my school to be the smell.


The worst thing about my school would be the smell. I know that seems kind of weird, but I really like the school; it's just located in the middle of Greeley, which is all farms, and certain times of the day it just smells like the zoo or stock show. The school itself is great in my opinion, it just is a stinky place to live.