Go into college with an open mind. Take a variety of classes throughout your first two years to gain a better understanding of what you really want to study. You might think you know what you want to major in when you're graduating high school but you may find an area that better suits you if you allow yourself to explore. Get involved with student organizaitons and make a lot of new friends. Focus on school but also make sure to make time for your friends. You will have a lot of freedom in college so make sure you use your time wisely. Set aside certain times each day to devote to school, to make sure you are getting your work done. Go to sporting events and performances on campus. Take pride in your school. You only have four years at this institution and with the people you meet, so make sure you make the most of it.
Sheka! Why aren't you at practice, do you know what's going to happen if you don't take those SATs? Do you know what's going to happen if you don't apply for those colleges, and go to practice like your suppose to? It's not going to be the end of the world as a matter of fact you will actually be ok. You're going to go to the Air Force and get married at 19, you're going to have a son at 21 and he will be your world. But you will not have progressed like we wanted and you will be struggling to keep everything together. You will be on your own with your child and even though we both know that your strong enough to overcome all of that I don't want to have to see you struggle and I don't want to have to see you make sacrifices that may hurt you later. So go take those SATs and apply for those schools like we wanted, so we can make a better life for our self. Remember even if you choose the other path he's worth it.
Hey Wes, here's the deal! You have no idea what you want to do right now and you aren't going to really know until you have experienced life beyond living with mom and dad, getting through under grad school and having a few jobs. Time is an awesome blessing right now. Don't be too eager to finish school, have the "well paying job," and certainly don't waste time. Opportunities are present for you right now and it is absolutely crucial that you recognize that they are there and if acted upon, will continue to lead to new opportunities, adventures and successes. Life can be tough at times but if you continue to have a positive outlook and treat people with respect and compassion, you will have no limit to what you can accomplish and what you can dream. I am 10 years in the future right now and can tell you that I did waste some time, did graduate under-grad, did seize opportunites and am now going to finish up a Doctor of Chiropractic degree. We are going to be able to really help people soon!
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to jump straight into school and not get married. I would say that the guy I had chosen turns out to be abusive and ruins your life. I would say to make sure that I took my AP tests, and did well because that would save me almost a whole semester of work. I would also congrajulate myself for working so hard and studying so hard and encourage myself to keep at it and never giv e up, no matter how hard things may seem.
If i could go back in time and talk to my highschool senior self, I would say relax, have fun, and enjoy your life. Don't freak out if something goes wrong or its not perfect because that's just how life is. It's ok to put down your homework somtimes and just relax. You have to live life for yourself and stop letting others plans for your life control you. This your shot and you only have one chance so make it count is what i would tell my high school senior self.
Education is everything. Without a good education in this world life is full of unnecessary struggle. Take your education very seriously and study. Settle for nothing less than success. There are plenty of hours in life to have fun with friends and family, but be able to structure your life with a good finical future. To often in life are the little things taken for granted. Charrish the times that you have in high school, but make those years count when it comes to your education so that you will not be shocked when you step forward to college.
When I was a high school senior, my grades certainly weren’t lacking. I was always the nerdy kid who stayed at home and stayed out of trouble.
If I was able to talk to high school me, my greatest piece of advice would be to merely “chill out.” I was so focused and worried about the people around me. I wasted away my time obsessing over boys and hiding at home with my books, too terrified to go out. I just wish that I had known how important it was to be comfortable with myself. Once I truly learned to love myself and value myself, I found it was much easier to reach out and meet more new people.
College has certainly taught me to let my hair loose (literally) and enjoy being me. I’m much friendlier now (apparently there’s a correlation between how friendly one is and how many friends they have) and I find that I have a much larger support group that helps me deal with my problems (usually school related).
Being a college student now and given the chance to talk to my senior high school self, I would tell myself to focus more on classes and scholarships. Also to tell myself to not feel pressured or rushed when choosing the school I wish to attend. I feel as if I did not educate myself enough on all the colleges available in the United States and even around the world. There are many colleges that I look at now and think "I wonder if I would like that school better?". I would tell myself to plan out the summer before my senior year to tour colleges all around the United States so that I got a wide variety of the outlook on each college. Along with choosing a college, I would tell myself to study harder because in college you will apply the information to almost everything. I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships so that I could go to any college I wished to attend without taking out loans knowing that my parents would not be able to financially help with my education.
I would tell myself to go out and enjoy the college life make friends and have a lot of fun. But, to also make sure to keep up study because slaking off does catch up eventually and that I'm supposed to be there to better my life later. I also want to tell myself that i should try and work on getting scholarships early so that i wouldn't have to worry so much about not being able to pay off everything. I want myself to know that the friends that i had made there were also amazing and that i would always want them to be a part of my life
My advice to myself would be take more time to learn the material the teachers gave to me while in class. It would have been a lot easier to understand other things now. I would also tell myself to not be so lazy and to get my assignments done on time.