If I had known that this school would be as good as it, I would have applied for admission much earlier than I did. Before graduating from High School, I've always wanted to go out of state because I thought there is no school in Colorado that I would enjoy, so due to this I applied to UNC late, and as a result I wasn't able to get the scholarships and grants that I could have gotten if I had applied much earlier. So, I wish I had known of how great of a School UNC is.
I wish I knew the dining situation and how much it was actually going to cost me to come here.
I was one of the high school students who came to the University of Northern Colorado to tour it, so I could get a sense of what going here would be like. However there are just a few things I wish I had known before I came to this school. One of which is that jobs on campus are scarce; it takes alot to impress someone and land a job here. I was fortunate to get a job that I love, but to future students, stand out!
I wish I had taken time to get to know the campus more, and also try to figure out where some of the resources available to me prio to coming.
Before I came to UNC in the fall of 2009, I wish that I would have known how to study better. This school is very rigorous when it comes to exams and grades, and my high school was the opposite. I never really had to study for tests in high school to get an A in the class, but in college, you really need to know the information to just pass the class in general. Since I have been attending, I have learned some good study tips from some of the upperclassmen that I have met so far.
How great the criminal justice department is.
I had visited the campus many times before I decided that this was going to be the place where I would spend the next four years. One thing that I wish I woudl have known is that, when you have to register for classes you have to do right away, they fill up very fast.
I wish I had known when the tryouts were for the baseball team, but that's more on me than on the school. I probably could have found it on the website if I looked hard enough. It's a learning experience, so the stuff I didn't know about before I moved in, I know now or will learn in the future. It's not as much fun doing things when you already know everything.
Before I came to this school I wish I knew a couple different things. One would be that it is absolutely dead on the weekends and it is hard to make friends here(suitcase college). Secondly, I wish I knew that the amount of jobs on and off campuses are strictly limited to a few people.
The value of a dollar. I think most college students come to school and have no idea how to manage their money. Most students get in over their heads with credit cards and bills.