If you want an excellent Ivy League education without all the fuss and pressure of "Ivy Leaguedness" while meeting smart, inspirational people from all walks of life COME TO PENN. It's not 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} perfect (it's more like 90-95{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}) but it's a very good indeed. As long as you're mature, open and not a loser you're so not gonna regret it. It's so worth the 40 grand your parents pay, make sure you make the most of it.
Before you decide to attend VISIT. The school's campus is very big and isn't in your traditional college green setting with trees everywhere and no one else around. Although there are nice grassy areas, we are right by West Phildelphia. Personally, however, I think being in West Philly gives the school culture.
In the end your experience at Penn depends on how involved and open-minded you are. You have to be willing to work hard and play hard since at any school you make your college experience what you want it to be.
The school loves to tear up precious green space and put down architectural monsters in their place, which is frustrating should you like to play pick-up games of catch, sit out on the lawn working/hanging out, etc. That said, a fantastic school and one where anyone can be happy.
I love blacklights.
I applied to Penn early decision. If I could do it all over again, I would apply to some other schools too and not do early decision. Now I'm here wondering if I could have gone somewhere else where I would be happier. The "what if" syndrome is a terrible ailment.
Work hard, play hard. Jewish. New York lifestyle (for better or worse, but overall for worse). Pre-professional. Greek scene is the social scene. The people who "go out" are in the Greek Scene. Very preppy. Not many tan/blond girls. Food is absolutely terrible: both the university dining plan and nearby eateries. Philly has great restaurants, but they are pricey. Terrible living conditions. Mice is every dorm room. Small living quarters. Freshmen are in for a rude awakening when they realize that the university makes very little effort to improve basic standards of living such as food and shelter. Wharton curve makes classes too competitive and makes for a rather hostile classroom environment in business classes. Low school spirit for sports team, all the sports fans at UPenn root for other colleges, but I guess that's typical for an Ivy League school.
Penn is a different world. Depending on which social circle you're in, it can be pretty intense. However, if you're up for it, it's amazing. And if you're a low key person, you can function just fine...there are tons of low key people here. It's what you make of it and if you asked three people about their lives and experiences here, I guarantee you'll get three unbelievably different responses.
If you are stuck-up, obnoxious, or focused only on your career, please go elsewhere--we're all set in that department!