If I could turn back the hands of time and revert back to my high school senior year I would tell myself to always ask questions. I would say this because in high school I tended to be shy and being in a classroom filled with about 30 students didnt help the situation. I tended to find myself not understanding things thats was discussed in class because I didn't ask the teacher. I have learned that I should more open especially in regards of my education and ask questions whenever I am in doubt. I follow the motto " no question is a dumb question". Learning and using this saying helps me not only at school, but also at home. It provides a great line of communication and it lets the instructor, family, or friend know that you have undestood the message that they sent. I probably could have had a higher GPA in high school if I would have asked more questions.
I would tell myself: " Go to college after you graduate high school, youre brain is fresh . It is so much harder to go back to school when you are older. You should go after high school, when youre responsibilities are very minor, compared to starting a family and just think, you graduate from college and get a get a good job/career, you can retire early and enjoy it."
Stop putting it off its important. why would anyone want to go to college at the ripe old age of thirty five? To inspire your young children that soon will be living their life long adventure. To live out the dream of being a college graduate! To finally be able to get the career you have always longed for. Never to live pay check to pay check, struggling your way through life again. To make yourself proud! To learn something new and exciting! For a career change or career advancement! To gain respect! To hear your now qualified for something you were told, you were under qualified for before. College is not as difficault as you think you have so many opportunities take them while you are young other wise this is the life you may face.
The first thing I would do would be to tell my younger self that just because it's senior year doesn't mean you can slack off. Senioritis may seem all fun and games but when you think about your future you'll need to spend this final year cracking down and getting ready for college. Don't wait until the last minute to turn in everything and get it done beforehand so you can ask the teacher for help on assigments. You don't have to skip out on missing the Senior Breakfast just because your friends weren't going because even though it may not seem fun you're going to look back on it and realize what memmories you missed. Give it your all! No slacking off, no blank spaces, no rushing through anything. Start looking at colleges in Virginia, raise your GPA, and also have fun. Your senior year may seem tough while also a bit of a time to slack off but it's not; it's highly important you try your best and remember to ask for help. If you try harder then you'll feel better about your grades after you graduate.
Knowing what I know now I would most likely change a few things. All through my high school years I was involved in many extracurricular activities. I was involved in basketball, Drumline, also fastpitch. I excelled in every sport I participated in. While in high school I could get by with making just average grades. Never studying or doing much of my homework I would go back, and change how I did my studying. Still to this day I excel in my sports, and they are taking me places I never thought possible. Being better prepared for what I was not expecting would have helped my grades, my schooling.
If I could travel back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would have to recommend that I talk advantage of opportunities to learn. Situations to learn are all around, from the old neighbor down the street to the cashier at the local store. I would also have to say that no person will ever “know it all” but the smartest of people realize that also. Although the transition to college may be intimidating, some of the greatest things in life are the unknown until you accept the challenge to experience them.
The first thing I would tell myself would be to stay in school. Quitting school, then later getting a GED will lead us to not being able to get a good job. I would tell myself that starting college is not as bad as everyone wants to make it seem, it is a little scary at first but that is just because it is something new. Going to college will be the best thing in the world for me to do and will be worth every step taken. I would let myself know, take the time to make sure I think about our future before thinking about friends and having fun. The transition would be better coming right out of high school then waiting until we are in our 40's, as at that time our brain will still be fresh with what we have learned. The transition will be a mixture of excitement, fear, and readiness. I would let myself know that with all these things in mind, the main thing to remember is going to college will be the best thing I could do for myself and will ensure that we have the best life and job possible.
Perfect planning is not always necessary to being successful in college. Some of the skills you will need, you already posess. Some of those skills, you will develop along the way. Although planning and organization are good skills to have, they are not the true test for how you will perform in college. Determination and fortitude rank higher in the long term. Take the time to discover the reasons you want a college education, then take the plunge and begin. The old adage, "There is no time like the present" is a good fit in this situation. The future can be overwhelming, but taking it one step at a time will get you to your goals faster than not doing anything at all. You are only limited by what you are willing to try. Step up, take a deep breath, and take the first step in acquiring your dreams!