University of Phoenix-Harrisburg Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Phoenix-Harrisburg Campus know before they start?


You need to work. It doesn’t matter how; you need some sort of income and save it all up. Mom and dad can only help you so much. You have yourself a great place to work at and need to take advantage of it, I really wish I had. Get yourself into a higher level math class and English class than the one they are going to make you take, it’s a joke and waste of money and more importantly time. Most importantly, you need keep on top of everything. I’m talking about scholarships, grants and what classes you will be taking and eventually even where you will be staying for school. These things need to be planned weeks ahead of time not just days. I did alright but I wish I had someone to tell me what was actually going to happen and what I needed to know. If you follow what I told you, then you can possibly complete what took me two years in one. There is no slacking off beyond this point. I wish you the best of luck and know you will do great.


If I were back in time and could talk to myself as a high school senior, I would emphasize the importance of attending college after high school. At that time I just wanted to get a job as quickly as possible, so I went to a technical school. I got a job and have worked for about ten years. Now I am at a standstill in my profession. I cannot move any further within the company without have a bachelor degree. I have chose to return to college to get my degree. If I would have went to college right after high school, I would have been able to move up in the workforce much sooner. I would have also had a few more years to enjoy being young while also preparing my self for the future. If I could have only told myself these things when I was a high school senior.