Mary Ann
Dear Self: You are strong and not worthless. Do not become so depressed that you try to fill that emptiness with a relationship. Don't trust James...he will damage you beyond words. What he does to your life will ruin you for a very long time and send you in a spiral of self-destruction. Stay in college, apply yourself to learning, and don't quit. Music is not your future...get a business degree as it will take you further in life. Your parents are the strongest people you know, and one day you will learn they offer great knowledge. Trust and respect them. Pay your bills...bad credit follows you forever, and that is something you are 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} accountable for. Be studious; ask questions, develop mentorships with your professors, and be present. Study hard enough to get A’s. GPA is important, and you are capable of earning honors. Life is what you make of it; stop feeling sorry for yourself, pull yourself up by the bootstraps, apply yourself to your studies, and learn. If you do not, the other lessons you learn will be hard, physically and mentally painful. and unnecessary. You can make life great.
The first thing I would say to myself is follow your dreams. Knowing you have always wanted to go to college but were afraid of failure should not stop you it should encourage you. Failure is just another way of learning. Going to college right out of high school will be an easier transition because you do not have "life" getting in your way. What I mean by life is your focus is on college, not on having to raise a family or work 40 hours while you are attending school. Having the knowledge now will change your path earlier in life instead of later, like now. You will be able to establish yourself earlier in life with a career you enjoy, instead of just working at a job for the income. College is not intimidating; it is a very rewarding experience.
Not to wait as long to finish I should focus on the goals and not let the destractions get in my way
Forget about the stress of loans. When I was your age, I tried to avoid college loans. It is impossible. The loan will pay for itself once you graduate college and find you that job. I want to be a CPA, but cannot with out a bachelors in accounting. I have no choice but get a loan. It will all even out as I can make more than doctors in the course of a year.
So again, forget about the stress. It may depend on your parents as well, and that is different than what I had to deal with as I am older and do not depend on my parents at all. Count your blessings.
After High School I chose to go to work and raise a family before going to college. The struggles I have had without a degree were so unnecessary. With my Bachelor's Degree I will be able to better provide for my 2 children and not be so financially stressed all the time. Going to college while raising children is tough. It can be done, but the quality time it takes away from them, while worth it, is hard for them to understand. If I could change the order in which I had done things it would have been to go to school first.
I just started so i have only taken two course which have been the very basic getting me back into the school mode. The two courses have taught me alot about talking giving speechs and the right ways to e-mail people. I have started two new courses and they are all about critical thinking it really gets your mind working. So far i really like my school i get to make my own schedule get to my homework when i can or get it all in early so i dont have to do any homework for a week.
I would have said something along the lines of: Prepare yourself for the transition as soon as possible. Get your head out of the clouds, and don't lollygag. Even though you don't know what you want to do yet, doesn't mean you can't get your foot in the door to help lead you to the right career path! Research each school you are interested in and make sure they have everything you're looking for available. Don't be afraid to extend your boundries and find a school that isn't close to home. Be excited to experience new things!
I definitely would have been a lot harder on myself if I knew how much pressure and time constraint I would feel as I got older and started to feel like my time gap for college was growing smaller. I wish I would have had someone to push me harder and motivate me to get in to college right out of high school. I can't wait to find my career path and start a new life!