Do not give up, education is it's own reward. Focus on the core eduction requirements and take classes on subjects you know you are not good at. The point is learning not entertainment. Talk to a counselor to help you map out a plan and key in on the basics. Everything you learn will benefit you in some way in the future. Math is your friend, the more you understand it the better your financial prospects will be. YOU are capable of learning anything if you apply yourself to LEARNING. The cost over your lifetime of not getting a degree is significantly more than the cost of school.
Do not wait, the perfect time will never come and it will always take work and effort. Invest in yourself, you are worth it and you can do it.
I would tell myself to hang in there. Don't give up on your dreams, even it it seems like everything is working against you to accomplish them, don't give up. You can do this.
As family and friends congratulate past me I approach and prepare to advice past me off all the new challenges I would say something like. Hi, I am you from the future; I suggest you get a haircut long hair does not look good on you. Secondly study hard and it’s not easy your current friends are not as cool as you think they will get you into trouble. I would suggest you change majors to physics its really interesting hard but worth it. Take a financial management class don’t spend your money on only on important things. Also, do not take calculus in the summer along with chemistry its really tough exceptionally with Professor Lowenkrown. Stay in your parent’s house at least for the first year it saves money. But I would not tell myself to much things since these are the life lessons I learned and help me shape who I am today as a person, living it makes much more of a difference than just taking someone else’s advice.
I would have went to college as soon as I graduated instead of waiting to go back. I would have made better choices in my life especially becoming a teenage mom. Even though I graduated with my class it was still a struggle being a full-time high school student and a full-time mom.
If I could go back and speak with myself as a high school student, I would advise myself to not take a break once graduation was over to work. Obtaining an education should be priority over anything else because once you get out of the habit of doing homework and attending classes it is difficult to get back into it without wanting to give up. It is also important to consider once you have a family it puts a strain on getting an education and on the relationship. Finish school before getting married, having children, because without your degree, jobs are limited.
My best advice is to look for online colleges and pay attention to the details of the schools. Do not focus on just going to a campus location, you do have options of online schooling, which is great since you love computers.
The first thing that I would tell myself, is not to wait. I am now twenty-eight years old and I find myself wishing that I had not waited to continue my education. I would remind myself that it is more than important to continue my education and that it will lead to a financially sound future with a career that I enjoy work at.
If I could go back in time to high school senior status, I would tell myself to not give up. As a high school student, I was going through some extensive medical situations that I had no control over. I gave up on my dream to attend college due to this situation. I had myself convinced that college had to be put on hold because with the medical situations I would be absent much of the time. I eventually gave up. After starting a family, I thought college was definitely out of the picture. If only I had not given up in high school and went ahead and filled out my applications. Needless to say, the desire was still in my heart and when the chance came about, I took it. This is the best decision of my life. I am now setting an example for my children and I tell them everyday to never give up. If I could turn back time, I would, but I'm sure things worked out the way they were supposed to. I am fulfilling my dream even though it is years later. Dreams never get too old to come true. I'm proof.
I wouldn't give myself advice at all. Even before going to college I had my own plan. Although I graduated at 15, I knew that college will be hard but if I try my best just like how I became an honor student in high school everything would fall into place. I have no regrets on how I have handled things for going to college. I am still determined!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself when I was a high school senior, knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition I would have prepared myself more liking getting a job sooner somewhere. Even though I wouldn't have found a job because normally you have to be 18 years of age. I could have found something like waitressing or something similar. I would have also prepared myself the best I could've if I were to know that my mother was going to pass away right before I graduated high school, because I had everything planned out before. I was going to do my college work so I have enough time every day to get things done but now I have to work and save as much money as I can so I can get school paid off as soon as possible. Also to pay bills so it's been an enormous transition for me but if I would've been somewhat prepared for everything that was coming my way I could've did much better. I wouldn’t suggest having your parents get neck surgery, I know regret it.