I would tell myself to study harder to get a better GPA in high school, as your scores are very important for continuing your education. The other thing I would change is going right to college after high school, rather than waiting until your an adult to return to school to further your education and make a career change. I realize now after many years since graduating high school the importance of obtaining an education for a career.
I wish I could time travel and tell my younger self many different things. But, most importantly, I would tell the high school version of myself to not be so caged in. I have always been a shy and quiet person. I have always kept to myself and just used my energy at staying focused on my school and my work. But if I would have opened myself up to more people at a younger age I am sure I would have been a much happier teenager. One thing I have learned in my major of psychology is that friendship is an incredibly important tool in coping with adolescent issues. Since I have been in college, I have been much more involved in my school and my community and I have therefore made more freinds. This has allowed me to be happier, get better grades, excel at work, and experience much more of life than I did before. When I have my PhD and am able to council young people, I will always encourage them to reach out to others and know they are not alone.
Knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, what advice would I can give myself today, is do not take anything for granted. The younger version of me and my friends at the time thought we had all the time in the world, to get serious. The situation the world is in now, with unemployment, even if have a degree, I would not be working in my field, I would have to settle with what is available to get by. I would also tell myself have fun, but focus on the future and grab as much knowledge and experience as I could to prepare myself for the future.
Don't sweat the small stuff.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would say to go directly to the University instead of going to a junior college eventhough I'm still undecided of what major to choose but just being in a University, would calmed me. All my close friends have graduated this year and some next year. I haven't even started the university and it makes me feel like crap since I have a long way to go. Obviously I only have myself to blame but I just wish I had the brain and the motivation to go to any University instead of a junior college when I was a high school senior.
The advice that I would give myself is to always remain focused on the goals that I have set for myself because college life will have many activities and parties to attend. I would also explain that college life will have many different experiences than high school and that the college life gives you a chance to make friends that you will have for the rest of life. I would also tell myself that there are plenty resources available to help me with my classwork and to make sure that I use them and to never be afraid to ask my instructors if there is something that I do not understand because that is what they are there for to make sure that I succeed in my classes and in life.
"Make every moment a memory, and never take the time you are given for granted. Be more forgiving and make peace with your peers. Fall in love with as many things as possible in life, and keep your mind, as well as your heart, open to new adventures. Only you choose the path that you want to take in life and the roads you will travel to acheive your journey. Only accept the battles that you are willing to sacrafice everything for, because only you will pay the consequences in the end. The 'small' battles will be settled in time through your progress and acheivement. Most importantly, believe in yourself more than anything else. It does not get easier, but you get better." I gained a knew found respect for life lessons like these once I moved two hours away from home freshman year of college.
If I could go back in time, and talk to myself as a High School Senior, I would tell myself to stay very focused on my studies, as some of these classes, will benefit me once I attend college. I would hang on to any notes that have similar studies related to the areas in which my college Major would surround. I would say self practice being the bset student you can be, practice the best study habits, put that disipline in place, focus on you being tomorrow's future, you will make a difference in the world, the world will be impacted by your dreams and goals. I would encourage myself that I could be the next; Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer, Dentist, Social Worker, Psychologist or President. Life can be whatever I want it to be, with God being my helper, and the confidence I have in myself, that as I grow to do my best, I will past this on to my children, and they will pass it on to their's. Education is the key to power, and I will do well. My life may seem like a small part, but it can make a huge statement.
If I had a time machine and could go back in time to talk to myself during high school, I believe I could change my life. Unbeknownst to me, turning 18 enabled countless offers of credit to come my way, opening a virtual Pandora’s Box of debt with repercussions I would still be dealing with over a decade later. Having no idea of the importance of timely payments, low debt to credit ratios, or what hard inquiries could do, I joined the ranks of many Americans struggling with debt at a reflectively astonishing pace. At the time I was blissfully unaware that each shiny new purchase would dig me deeper and deeper into debt, preventing me from car loans, limiting rental options; even creating a roadblock to achieving one of my ultimate dreams: owning my own home. More than anything, I wish someone had sat me down and explained the importance and far reaching effects of building and maintaining a good credit score, and if I could talk to that girl, I would shake her and tell her that path she was about to embark on would not lead to a driveway.
If I could back in time during my senior year, I would inform myself to stick with college. Focus on the career of choice and start researching career of intrest. If there is a need that any help will be needed in any area ask for it. I will also recommend to myself do not give up on any goals or dreams. If there are certain goals that I wanted to reach stick with it. I also would inform myself to write down every thing that woud keep me on track and relfect back on that use that as a push for my future career. I would also tell myself do not settle for a job or career that you will not have no intrest in, the reason for that you will be unhappy and overlooked. Take charge of the situation and go out on faith. In every situation seek God and always put Him first, it is very important because this would help gain the success in the career goals and choices.