Dear Self,
I am as certain as you are that you know everything and that you have planned out for your future as a college student. Listen! You will not die if you move away from home for your first year of college. You will not die if you stay home and attend a junior college your first year. However, your dreams will die if you sit around and do nothing! So get up and get out there. If you want to continue as a student athlete, then by all means, do it! If you choose the Arts over athletics then that is fine too. Just take your time, research your school options, research careep options as well. Enjoy life. Truth is, most college students don't really know what they want or how to get it until their mid-20s. Do not stress yourself. Live and enjoy your life!
I owuld advise my self to get into college sooner. If I would have gone to college staright out of high school I would have been set inmmy carreer by now. Going to college saved not only my carreer but my life as well. College helps to get a person focused on the future and working towards that future. I would not be struggling now if I had went to college sooner.
I would tell myself to continue taking college prep classes and that I need to start looking into colleges. Joining the military after high school is ok but, joining after finishing college would be alot better. waiting too long to go to school allows for distractions to fill your study time.
Shannon, twelve years from now you will be a professional student at the University of Phoenix within one year of completing your bachelors degree. I know the way you feel right now you are unsure about what it is you want to do with the rest of your life and you are excited at the opportunity to be independent. If I could impart a piece of wisdom with the hopes that you take it to heart and really understand, I would tell you not to wait to start your education. I know you are burnt out from homework, getting up early to go to class, and coming home late from work, but the effort you put into yourself is worth it; you are worth it. You have potential to do so many great things and the experiences in your life will shape who you are. Continue to grow, to learn, and to succeed. You are capeable of so much greatness if you take advantage of the opportunities ahead of you. One last piece of advice, stay away from a guy you will meet at training in California he may look and act nice but he will break your heart.
If I could go back in time to my high school senior year, I would tell myself to not grow up too fast. I started working at sixteen and moved out of my parents home at nineteen. I was too focused on gaining my independence that I could not balance both school and work. I prioritized work and my academics suffered because of that decision. Today I still have to focus on both school and work but also my own family and I want to emphasize to my daughter that higher education is very important. I now realize that I should have prioritized school first and taken advantaged of the help my family offered when I was young.
Rev. Kenneth
I would say finish you military obligation, go to school and earn a PhD. At work promote, promote, promote. and in the words of Winston Churchell, Never Never Never Never give up
I would tell myself to make college more of a priority. Don't get married at 18 and think that a higher education isn't important. Look into a feild of study that you really care about and feel that you wold do well at. Focus and apply yourself. Be proud of yourself and succeed to the best of your ability.
Do not give up on your dreams no matter what obstacles come infront of you.
At this point, it's hard to make a big impact on your GPA to assist you in getting scholarships, schools, whatever. Focus hard on actually learning the material so it will be easier in college. Find a job that you enjoy the people you work with, and don't be afraid to take a higher paying job as your coworkers don't take it personally. You need to keep up a savings of some sort and always be looking towards the future: job, car, holidays (the things they require you to spend money on), etc. Budget your money and always make sure you are making more than you are spending. College life can be tempting with parties, various drugs people try, and just in general over-socialization. Stay away from the parties if you have important things coming up like tests, don't ever try the drugs (I haven't, but I've seen enough to know it'll mess you up) and keep your focus where it should be: ON COLLEGE. The money and time isn't worth wasting when there are so many other things you can do with them. Work hard and get your dream job.
I would say to put my social life on the back burner because education is the most important part of accomplishing my lifelong goals. I would have waited to have my daughter so that I could better provide for her rather than working full time and going to school full time and barely making it by. I would say to go to college right out of high school rather than putting it off because it is much harder when you are older.