I would tell mself to breath and just take the first step. I always thought that it was going to be so overwellming. I would tell myself to go and just speak to somene about all of my questions ad concerns. And tht taking the first step isn't too hard there are a lot of people to help you out, and the outcome will be so amazing as well as the experience.
The advice I would give myself is that being in college is serious business, its by far different from high school. for example, if you miss a day or two of class in high school, the teachers will have the make up homework there for you or send it to your house. But im college, it is YOUR responsibility to go ask the professors what notes and assignments you missed. Your paying professors to teach you valuable information you can use in life and the real world. This is a time to buckle down and focus, yes it nice to have fun to help relieve some of the stress from studying, but not everyday is meant for that. Also take the initative to ask alot of questions, especially if you dont understand something or stay after and talk with the professor, take advantage of group discussions, tutoring and study halls, this will give you a higer advantage when it comes to test and lectures. Finally dont take on to many classes or activities so you can have time to study and time for yourself. Basically enjoy your time in college and make the best of it.
Do exactly what you're doing, don't change a thing.
Hello Ms. Lura,
I see that you are a longer and believe in getting a good education, but what I like to share with you is keepping your eye on the prize and staying focus on your complishments. Write down your goals and post it somewhere so that you can look back on it and highlight what you have completed.
Attend college as soon as you complete high school, so that there will be no procrastination and in the long run you will have the time to pursue other options after you have achieved your goals. Keep you finances in order and try not to live above your means, because before you know it you will be able to see yourself living the good life and feeling financial secure. Experience living on campus and communication with new people, stay focus and alert. Don't be so quick to judge, keep an open mind.
Strive to be all you can be and don't be afraid to step out the box. Be yourself, have integrity and honesty with whatever you do and choice. Love you and you will be loved.
A chance to advise myself of mistakes to come would be an invaluable experience. Like all teenagers I felt invincible and did not heed the advice passed on through teachers and staff. I would let myself know that it is ok to not always be working to have obscene amounts of money saved. As it stands I have nothing to show for it. Looking back I would rather have spent my time with friends or doing school work, not asking for extra shifts. Perhaps it would seem that I pushed myself pretty hard to get things done- however I did not like to rock the boat- and so never complained when in a situation not beneficial to myself. After 3 consecutive years of an ineffective math teacher- I gave up trying to follow along and chose to read novels in class. I wish that I had pushed harder to be placed into another class, with a different learning style. Ah, but to live it again I would choose to come out of my shell much sooner, to have closer friends, better relationships with those I already had, and the chance to push myself farther than anyone else would.