University of Pittsburgh-Bradford Top Questions

What are the academics like at University of Pittsburgh-Bradford?


Very hands on, and the professors like getting to know the students. The classes are great!


Academic life at UPB is probably among the best in the country for a small school. I know all of my professors by name and frequently call on them for advice on my future, the classes I am taking, and just to chat. While at Pitt-Bradford, my favorite class was Introduction to International Affairs. Although I am a Business Management major, I am a nut about politics and foreign affairs, and this class really taught me a lot. In fact, many of my favorite classes and favorite professors have come outside the realm of my major. If you really like to learn about all kinds of different things (and still study a specific topic in which you can start a career), then you are like me and would definitely get a lot out of UPB. In terms of my major's department itself, I have loved most of the classes I have taken and have been presented with a lot of opportunities by the professors that teach them (including my job here at Pitt and an internship). I have noticed that professors in my major are always teaching us the ropes so that we can be successful in the work world and really maximize on our education. I believe that the focus on employment after college by many of my business classes has really prepared me to enter the work force next year and be successful.


Professors here really want you to do well. They know your name, they know your story, and that makes for a really great academic experience. As a student in the communications department I've got to be a part of things that I LOVE doing. My classes are always interesting and the professors make learning fun.


The classes here are relatively small, I personally have never heard of a class of more than 30 students and even those are the more general classes such as Fundamentals of Mathematics or English Composition, which everyone must take. However, the classes here are smaller in size and most of them are unique in some aspect. My most unique class would have to have been Death and Dying with Professor Stephanie Eckstrom. I remember coming across it in the course catalog and thinking that it had to have been a Life Science course but as I read on, I saw that it was a Sociology course. At the time, I was taking The Family with Professor Eckstrom, so I knew how hilariously satirical she was, so I just had to take a course about death with her. I thought it would be similar to going to a comedy club every week, and I was right. However, I must tell you that every class I ever took with Dr. Helene Lawson was very unique, because that it is simply the best way to describe her. She, to me, exemplifies the student-professor relationship here at UPB. She will go out of her way to help her students with anything and is genuinely concerned with their improvement in the classroom as well as their interests/priorities outside of the class. You will find that you can say this about many of the professors here at Pitt-Bradford.