Thanks to SGA and Student Activities Council (SAC) and of course the amazing students that attend UPB, there is always something to around UPB.
Some of the activities that SAC, SGA and the individual clubs put on annually include:
Poetry Readings
Music Concerts
Game Shows (college bowl, air band, Pitt Idol)
Special events (lectures, relaxation nights, etc.)
Select Trips (Washington DC, New York City, Gettysburg, Cedar Point etc.)
Outdoor trips (Skiing, tubing, white water rafting)
Also, the town of Bradford and close surrounding towns offer many exciting activities including great food (something every college student loves and needs), bowling, gaming, and Putt Putt.
Apart from the student activities and events on campus and the things to do around town, Pitt-Bradford also has a variety of sporting events that students can attend (basketball games, soccer games, swimming matches, tennis matches, baseball/softball games, and intramural games (football, softball, etc.)
Lastly, there are 6 social fraternities and sororities on campus that students can join that usually offer a good stress reducer on the weekends.
I myself don't live on campus but I am involved in the tennis team and thats been a great experience so far. It's a great way to meet new people and stay active. I'm not active in a lot of the clubs and organizations on campus but I know thats probably something I'll regret later on. If I could go back and do it again I would get involved more because there's a lot of worthy causes I'd like to be involved with.
People always ask, “What is there to do here?” In town we have a bowling alley, movie theatre, mini-golf, Wal-Mart (smile) and a few restaurants, however we try to provide the student body with on campus options as well. We have annual event such as Airband, our lip-synching contest; Sibs and Kids Weekend, siblings and other young family members of the students are invited to participate in a day of fun and are welcome to stay in the dorms with their Pitt-family member; Winter Formal, students dress up in their best and dance the night away; Cultural Festival, a variety of cultures are showcased through song, dance, food and dress; and so much more. We also have at least 1 comedian come to campus every month, as well as a host of other events organized by the Student Activities Council (SAC) and Student Government Association (SGA). If SAC and SGA don’t have it, then another club here probably does, such as the Literary Club, Anime Club, Education Club, African American Student Union, Art Club, etc.
Sports are offered here as well, we have: Men’s Basketball
Women’s Basketball
Men’s Soccer
Women’s Soccer
Men’s Golf
Women’s Golf
Women’s Volleyball
During basketball games, the biggest being March Madness which starts the season, we have the Dance Team, the Diamond Steppers and the cheerleaders all perform. Bus trips are also offered for some of the Pitt home football games.
Of course we have Greek life as well. We have six local organizations; no recognized national organizations as of yet. We have three sororities; Zeta Alpha Chi (I love my sister organization!!), Theta Sigma Delta, and Lambda Xi and three fraternities; Delta Omega Phi, Phi Kappa Epsilon and of course my favorite (smile), Sigma Lambda Chi. For the most part, everyone can find something to do here at Pitt-Bradford, you just have to look!!