University of Pittsburgh-Bradford Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at University of Pittsburgh-Bradford?


1. That the students here at UPB are all from Bradford and attended Bradford high. 2. That students are here only because they were not accepted anywhere else.


Speaking as someone who is from Bradford, I've heard a lot of people say that the majority of the people that attend this school are from Bradford, or from the area. While yes, a lot of students from Bradford and surrounding areas go to Pitt- Bradford, there are just as many who are from out of state and even out of the country. I think people have a tendency to write this school off immediately because they feel they won't get to know people from different areas and backgrounds, and that's simply not true.


The biggest stereotype about Pitt-Bradford is that no one ever chooses to come here; students only come here through the University’s Options program or they are from the area and didn’t want to go that far away from home.