University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg?


The most frustrating thing about Pitt Greensburg is the campus location. If students will be living on campus it is important to know that there is not much within walking distance of the main campus, so bringing a car would be a good decision. Another frustrating aspect of the location is the computer login time. Using an public use PC students should expect to wait five minutes until any work can be done. This drawback is especially frustrating when trying to get a project done or a paper printed on short notice.


The most frustrating thing about my school, is the price. It is more expensive than a lot of people in todays economy can afford. However, I chose to go there because overall, I want to have great memories and stories I would love to tell my children one day.


As a freshman, we have the last window to choose the classes we want to sign up for.


Possibly, the most frustrating thing about my school would be that it is a small campus and there are times when it feels like everyone knows your business and your life.


Cost me too much loan.


It is very small, and everyone knows everyone's business.