University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown?


The gym has limited equiptment and area for certain activities.


The housing contract. You have to keep it the whole year unless you transfer to a different school. It is not fair.


The most frustrating thing about school is the added stress of coming up with tution and living expenses on top of balancing my assignments in a timely fashion. It is very hard being away from home and adjusting to "adult life". While I knew realistically that things would never be easy, I never realized how much things would add up on my to-do list. However, the key to dealing with frustration is working to solve the problems causing it. Therefore, I have become more organized and work through my holiday breaks full-time to accomplish my goals.


Although the University of Pittsburgh Johnstowns (UPJ) size has its advantages, it also has disadvantages. Many view it as a lesser school because it is a branch Campus. Although UPJ is small, its size works as an advantage. Campuses with larger class sizes tend to be more impersonal and the pupil to teacher relationship is hard to form due to the overwhelming amount of students per lecture. UPJ not only offers rigorous and challenging courses, but provides the interaction many larger schools lack. However most people see branch campus and immediately condemn it.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the climate; it is a joke on campus to say we have four seasons: winter's coming, winter, more winter and contruction.