Pitt has students from all over the world but a lot of them are from the surrounding area of Pittsburgh. Pitt has a very large liberal community as well.
The kids I've met are special to say the least. We talk about anything and everything. It's really hard to speak about the student body as a whole since I don't know everyone and of course gravitate towards people who have similar interests.
Most students wear sweats and shorts to class. There are a few girls who like to do their hair and make-up. Some people complain about that, but it doesn't really concern me so I do not waste the time complaining.
There are moderate and extreme racial, religious, and LGBT student grounds but all are open minded and there aren't any tensions between conflicting groups (except maybe pitt dems vs pitt republicans). Most students are predominantly left but maybe only 1/3 is politically active; the rest don't seem to care that much. A student that enjoys big, communal activities and lots of school spirit would definitely be better off at penn state. Most pitt students are from Philadelphia and of middle class to upper middle class financial background. All types of students interact though, there are no cliques or segregation as there is in most high schools. Feel free to talk to anyone and everyone and they won't exclude you based on sex, gender, race, socio-economic status etc.
i felt out of place at pitt for a little while since i had a good 5-8 years on most of the student body, but after getting to know some people in my classes, it wasn't entirely bad.
There are more than four tables here at Pitt. There are many international students. Pitt is considered an urban campus and a lot of the students are from Pittsburgh of Philli. So, a lot of the kids come from working class families. It's safe to say that most students work very hard to support themselves. I'm not sure who would feel out of place here. Some people don't like the city but theres plenty of green space. There is both a college republicans and a college democrats group. Overall the area probably leans left though.
There are a lot of groups that are very well known, like Black Action Society and Rainbow Alliance. It's a city campus so there is a lot of diversity and people from all over but small-town people, I think would feel very out of place. As far as politics go, I think Pitt's very politically aware but very misguided sometimes. It's like the campus is predominantly left but it's hard to tell only because that's who you interact with the most.
IT is very diverse as I said, but naturally more segregated. People do make friends from people of all races & religions though. There are groups for different races & religions (Ex: Black Action Society, Hindu Assocation). The four tables- well I'd say white greeks, blacks, asians, indians, & then the rest of white people are just split among differences. Most students wear jeans or sweats to classes- most outfits are decent and not distracting but some girls can wear some distracting outfits (We're trying to learn!). Probably more middle-class and upper kids, but there are lower-class kids as well. Yes, this campus is very politically aware- mostly democrat and there are groups to get everyone to vote. Rallies and everything. No, most students don't talk about how much they'll earn one day.
I do not see any problems on my campus with any of our student body. I honestly feel so comfortable on my campus with anyone.
Pittsburgh is a liberal city. Pitt is a liberal school. There are numerous student organizations on this campus representing that fact. Any group one can think of, probably has a club at Pitt, and if it doesn't, it can easily form one.