University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus accurate?


It all depends who you talk to.


About 1/5 of the student population fits the stereotype. However, the rest of the school is full of hard-working individuals. If you're in one of the more demanding majors then all you will encounter in your classes is extremely intelligent peers.


not sure






I don't think Pitt can be wrapped up into a nutshell kind of statement. There are lots of different people, from all walks of life. If there are any stereotypes, they aren't accurate.


In part. The CMU stereotype is funny, it sometimes makes students here feel inadequate, especially since they are easily able to see some of the extra perks student at CMU receive that those at Pitt do not...however, they are plenty of brilliant students here, who would rather not pay at least double the tuition...some could make the same argument for the branch campuses, that the students there simply want to save their money...and I cannot speak for a majority...however, from what I've seen of the students who have matriculate from those branch campuses, it appears that they were there because they were in no way academically prepared for the main campus, and oftentimes, still aren't after coming to the main campus.


Yes, most students I have met are of a high caliber intellectually even though there are a few that that you have to wonder how the hell they got into this school.




No, Oakland is hardly a city...yet it is always active. No, it is only about 3.5 hours nonstop from lancaster.