University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus? Why?


The Dean's office policies concerning finals. I missed my finals my freshmen year because I ran over a deer on the way to school and it tore out the undercarriage of my car. I commute from West Virginia, so there was no way fro me to get there. However, because I wasn't hurt in the accident, I wasn't permitted to retake my finals and failed the entire semester.


We do not get enought credit for our school even thought it is challenging


That seniors are not guaranteed housing and end up living in horrible housing nearby.


Finanicial Aid. They tend to give you the run around when you have a question and are not very helpful over all.


The drinking




The fact that it does not have an actual campus. The Greek Life is too small and repressed by the University. Sometimes it feels like the university is simply a business for the people that run it (i.e. meal plans, ratio of cost and benefits).


Even though I do enjoy the city atmosphere of my university, at times it can be dangerous because of violence or reckless drivers in traffic.


The worst thing about my school is that there is not very much to do on the weekends other than go out to parties and drink. The school could be better if only there were more things for the students to do.


The worst thing about Pittsburgh main is that although the benefits outweigh the negatives, the student body is so large, sometimes it is difficult to feel a sense of commradary or fellowship. Everyone has a lot of school spirit but not a lot of "togetherness" like I experienced at my smaller High School.