University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus?


Students that aren't focused and just want to party.


People who should not attend this school are those most comfortable with really small classes, those who are artsy, and those who want more than the status quo academically. Pitt is, besides Penn State, your best choice for a state school in PA. However, as a student who lived in the freshman honors dorm, I know there were a number of students disappointed with the overall quality. You can certainly make it work here, and many do to get the bargain, but if you want the classic liberal arts education, this is not where you'll find it.


Someone who hates school spirit. Someone who doesn't want to go to a big school. Someone who doesn't like the city. Someone who doesn't like the colors blue and gold.


A drug addict, alcoholic, non-motivated student, rude, non-accepting of others, or someone with anti-social behaviors should not attend this school.


If you dont want any adventure in your life, or if you are turned off by a lot of people on campus, although it never seems overcrowded.


For those who like to indulge themselves solely into their studies and not make time to better round their experiances and skills, pitt would be bad choice. Usually students who thrive amongst others and involve themselves in a lot of extracurricular activities do well, while the opposite type end up dropping out or transfering. There are an overwhelming ammount of activities at Pitt, which would be easy to get lost and distracted by, so a good ammount of focus and time management is required to succeed.


Someone who likes a small campus environment and wants someone to hold their hand through school- At pitt you have to be self motivated