University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus know before they start?


Congratulations, you made it into college! Applying was hard, but there is still so much to do. When packing, pack a little less. While there is room and you will make everything fit somehow, you really do not need as much "stuff" as you think you do. Pack what clothes you like, not what you think will make you fit in with everyone else. Now is the perfect time to branch out and talk to people that maybe you would not have approached in high school. Join clubs that give you something to look forward to when you are swamped with work. Time management is the most important skill you learned in high school. When you use it effectively you can cut stress in half. Form a schedule that really works for you. If you need to go to bed early- do it without worrying what other people will think. Don't think about what a "normal" college student does, you can decide that. Sometimes, you will learn very important things outside of the classroom so take advantage of that. Explore everything around you, talk to people and listen to their perspective, do the best work possible, and find opportunities.


If I could give my high school self advice about how to transition to college life it would be this: be adventurous, outgoing and try things that you haven't done before. As we get older and gain responsibilities we loose many chances to do something different. However, college is the perfect opportunity to gain new experiences. It is the juncture between adolescence and adulthood and as such is the last time in which we can define ourselves. So long as we only live once we should make the most of our opportunity. It is better to regret something you have done than something you have not done.


If I could turn back the hands of time, I would definitely tell myself to be strong and to be patient. Academically, I was well equipped for college. I had no worries and no concerns about the academic challenges about college. However, college has been much more than my classes. Nearly every aspect of my life changed dramatically in positive and in negative ways. In the end, I have learned that college is profound, not because of the classes you take, but because of everything else that you learn outside of your classrooms. College is a place where ones character is truly created. The rest of my life, in a holistic sense, will be positively impacted by the things that I have learned about my major, about myself, about others, and about the world. Knowing what I now know about college life and making the transition, I would tell myself to not fear failure. Be wise and mindful, but try things to gain experiences; everything does not have to have a purpose. Live outside of your comfort zone. Ask for help. Appreciate your family and your friends. And when you feel like giving up, remember where you've come from.


As I have not yet been able to make my college transition, I would advise my old self not to 'count my chickens before they're hatched.' As a senior, I was correct in thinking that I was qualified enough to get into a good school of my choice, but incorrect in my assumptions of how to pay for the phenomenally high and rising costs of a college education. I was deluded in thinking that if I got into a school, the school would help financially, ensuring that I would be able to enroll. If I could, I would go back and tell myself to be more proactive and realistic in my goals, as I have been this past year.


If I could go back in time, I would advise myself to apply for more scholarships, because all the money I saved up is not near enough for college expenses. I would remind myself of the shaky economy, and how financial hardships may possibly become greater than expected. I would also reassure myself that the transition from a small town high school to a large university really is not that bad, and that I would do quite well in the process. One thing I would tell myself to improve on is my study habits, because although I may have exceptional time managment skills, a bit more studying could help a big deal in the long run. In the end, I would tell myself to keep up with the work, do the readings, apply for more scholarships, and I will do quite well in the college atmosphere, because the transition is much easier than one would think.


As if I'm talking to myself: First and foremost, have patience, things will appear overwhelming such as the size of the classes. Remember that the professors and TA's are here to assist and help you. They want you to learn and get that A. Spend a significant amount of time on your studies and your work. Getting caught up in socail activities or spending too much time working on other things will only make the college experience that much harder. Having your priorities in order is key to success, when you prioritize the wrong things you will have a very difficult time succeeding. With that said, also don't put too much pressure on yourself, new challenges will continue to come up and the best thing to do is keep your head on straight and take everything in stride. Do your best in every class even if it seems pointless because things will pay off. Don't only keep an open mind but an inquiring mind as well, that searches for the proper understanding to different ideas and concepts. Having patience, focus, determination, and the correct mindset will set you up for a rewarding college experience. Goodluck!


Hello seventeen year old me! I want to offer you some advice for the future of your college career: Study harder, study more often, and use other students to study! These classes will be way more intense than anything you are use to. They happen in 18 weeks versus the 195 days you were use to. Having a part time job will be taxing. You will need to budget your time very well. Be sure to make friends; make a lot of friends. They will be your allies in the years to come. They will become your family, your support group, your moral compass and finally... your competition. Don't fear the competition, you will be stronger for it. And finally, don't buy your text books at the book store. They're much cheaper online. Good luck to you/me! Megan


- Always, ALWAYS, attend class, make sure you study the material, and pay more attention to campus social events and services. This will take you far. - Despite what it might seem like now, Pharmacy is not what you were meant to study. Switch to Geology as soon as you enter, because that will save a lot of money, time, credits, and frustration. Disregard what people say about this decision ("Will you find a job with this?" and such) and research viable career paths. They say this because they don't know much about the degree, so if you inform them of Geology's opportunities, they'll come around and offer support. - If you think that you're not going to do well in a class, drop it immediately and take something else. - Don't screw around and wait until the last possible minute for completing projects. This is bad and will lead to lots of stress. - Accept more opportunities that enrich your degree and resume. It will be beneficial in the end.


Take it from me, going through life without a college degree is very hard, every job that you apply for, requires some kind of college education. And trying to go to college later in life, it doesn't hurt, but why put yourself through that when you can get it done now, and get a good job with your degree, and not struggle, and have your degree to support you and when you have a family, your family. While everything is fresh in your mind, just do it. Your young enough to go for 2 or 3 majors. You can have a good life, and enjoy what you do. Don't procreate, that is one of our biggest down fall, we will let life go right by. I'm 46 and thinking about going back now that my youngest is about to enter her first year, and my husband whose 47 is going online to college, and he likes it sometimes. My advice is, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste", don't throw yours away.


Go to a school that you can afford and don't dick around as much. Your GPA matters; you want to go to grad school.