University of Portland Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Portland know before they start?


The University of Portland has provided me with many new opportunities. First, it has helped me come out of my shell. I came to the university not knowing anyone. I had to re-learn how to make friends. The university is such a warm, inviting place that is filled with friendly students, so it was not that hard. The university also has an excellent Education program. It allows students to be in the classroom, working with kids during the second week of school. This helped me decide that this is the right major for me and I do want to be an elementary school teacher. Aside from the educational aspects, the university also has a wide variety of fun activities. They require all freshmen to live in the dorms. It’s amazing living with 300 other people, all your own age. And since we do live in the exciting city of Portland, the school provides safe, fun adventures out into the city. I participated in a midnight excursion to a donut shop and ice skating. Being able to attend the University has been a very valuable experience for me.


College has allowed me to see the world differently. University of Portland is a Catholic school so I have taken multiple religion and philosophy classes that have really opened my eyes to other beliefs and ideas. They teach us about other ways of thinking and accepting people for having different thoughts than our own. I have developed new beliefs and expanded my thoughts on other subjects. The University has challenged me to look beyond myself and see life in different perspectives. At the beginning of college I was certain I wanted to be a Physical Therapist. After taking a few biology classes, I realized that I had more interests I would be willing to pursue. One day I visited an aquarium and I had an epiphony. Marine Biology had always interested me and I knew it was a job I would love. With this new career path in mind, I applied to study abroad in Australia this past semester. I was recently accepted and am attending the Univerity of Notre Dame Australia for the spring semester. College at this University has been the best experience I could ever ask for.


During my time at University of Portland, I’ve met hundreds of people from all over the country and different parts of the world. This is the most valuable learning experience for me. Though the classes have been extremely informative and are preparing me for a bright future in business, the opportunity to learn about other cultures and lifestyles from my peers has opened my eyes to the world. The people I’ve meet during my first semester have inspired me to be successful, to travel the world and experience as much as I can during this short life. I know that through hard work and perseverance, I will accomplish all my goals at University and live out this dream


I have gotten the experience of a lifetime. I have met people that have changed my life for the better and made me realize that I had dreams that I wanted to fulfill. It also provided me with one of the best educations. I am constantly learning and applying the things that the school teaches me to the world around me. That, I feel, is what is rather special to this school, because I didn't just learn how to chug beer. I learned how to be a valuable asset to the community. There is nowhere else that I would rather be.


I am actually applying for this scholarship so I can have a college experience to boast about. The rest of my family are college graduates and they are counting on me to continue my education as well. Everyone has gone through rough times and I am going through my own but I am not going to let it keep me from going to school any longer. I plan to better educate my self and go for the career I want and need. This scholarship would help so much because my family is very limited in ways of helping me. I my self is limited in helping my self. I am unemployed and hoping to be a full time student. I've made some mistakes in my life but I've learned from those mistakes and am ready to move forward in life. I thank you in taking time to read this and considering me for this scholarship.


Out of my college experience I have become more of an independent person, meaning from relying on my parents and teachers to understanding the importance of taking hold of my future and not relying upon others. It has also brought me closer to God. Living at home and having everything done for you is one thing, but being on your own, you come to realize that life isn't as easy as I would have visualized it. I became closer to God realizing that I can only rely on Him and not myself or any other person. This has had a profound impact on my life and changed the way I live and do things. This has definitely been a valuable part of attending college. Another valuable aspect of attending college has been that I came to understand other people more and except their differences and work with them. In college you see a lot of different kinds of people with different beliefs. I came to understand that not everyone is like me or thinks like me. This has made me a better person in understanding other people and being open to them.


If I could go back in time with the knowledge that I have now about college, I would do several things differently. Knowing that college requires an extremely large amount of reading, I would practice reading throughout high school. This would benefit me greatly, my reading pace would increase and through additional practice, my better comprehension and understanding of the reading would allow me to do better in classes. Also, I would write my essays and papers more seriously. In college, I have written twice as many essays as I had in high school. Rather than waiting until the night before to begin working on my ten page papers, I would start them the moment I had learned of the due date. This helps me have time to edit and revise my papers rather than typing them and then turning them in without a second glance. One other thing that I would do differently if I were to return to high school, is that i would get to know my teachers better. Since I am aspiring to be a teacher myself, it would have been beneficial for me to get to know my teachers and learn from their experiences.


If I could talk to my senior year self, I would tell myself a lot of things. I would tell myself to prepare myself mentally for the transitions that are to come. To brace myself for some confusion that will be coming. To embrace the feeling of change and learning to seize all opportunities that come my way. I would have also told myself to learn how to save more money to pay off school. I think I would also say that even though I am paying a lot of money for schooling, in the end it is an investment for my future and that every penny is worth it and will get me far. College makes me open my eyes that there are so many things out there that can be attained and experienced, and that I should always remember that.


Money and popularity will not make happiness. Do not get the new car you want so badly and do not use your school refund for a night out with your friends. In fact, its your last year at home. Tell your mom how mom you love her and pick up the phone when she calls to tell you that she misses you. Your family will never let you down, and will always have your back. Do not skip the opportunity to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity or another organization that helps around in your community. Finish school . And one final note: All I ask of you is one thing: please don?t be cynical. You will hate cynicism ? it will become your least favorite quality and it won't lead you anywhere. God speed friend, Death will never conquer. This is your decade.


Vikki, do not fret about living at home. Just listen to Dad. It's really not that bad. You get your own bed, shower, and Mom's delicious home-made meals. You're going to save Dad a whole bunch of money, and best of all you will lessen your future guilt about Dad paying for your college tuition. You'll eventually make a circle of supportive friends. UP takes really good care of you. So no worries about feeling left out. Your relationships with Mom and Dad actually become stronger, contrary to your beliefs. And you begin to value the alone time you once loathed. Sure it's a hassle because you have to wake half an hour earlier than your peers to get to class, but you enjoy that one time you're left alone to reflect. Stop crying and go play Frisbee. You'll be fine. Life moves on and things fall in place. You just have to take life as it comes to you.