University of Portland Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about the University of Portland is the nursing program. As a freshman I have already been accepted, and now I just need to maintain a GPA of 2.7 among other things to stay in the program. This is a lot different than most school; most school you have to do your first two years worth of prerequisites and then apply to the nursing school, which can be really stressful. At UP some of the stress of applying to the nursing school for your Junior/Senior year is elevated because they accept you as a freshman.


The best thing about the University of Portland is the sense of community. Many prospective students woud shy at the fact that it is a small Catholic school, but there is so much to benefit from that aspect. The religious faculty are always warm and welcoming regardless of your religious background. You get to meet and know almost everyone. While that seems daunting now it is extremely important when you are job marketing in the future. The community not only helps you feel welcomed, but it provides you with the resources to get you a job in the future.


The student body is probably the best thing about the University of Portland. They are a well-rounded, diverse, and successful unit. Being in an environment with such a large amount of motivated students makes it that much more encouraging to work to my full potential. The students are actually more competitive with themselves and helpful with those around them. This kind of support makes the University of Portland a very comfortable place of education.


I really enjoy the small community University of Portland provides. Since there are around 4,000 students on campus, the students get to really know their classmates. Along with that, I enjoy the small classroom sizes because the teachers get to know the students personally and the student in return gets a better understanding and a full educational experience. I enjoy how the classes challenge the students to think outside the box. Lastly, I enjoy the family community and school pride the University gives.


The best thing about my school is the sense of community. When I first started college, my greatest fear was making friends and fitting in. However, I quickly realized that it was actually easier to make friends in college than it was in high school. It is absolutely incredible to know that you have friends, professors, and mentors that truly care about your well-being and education. I have never felt more at home than when I am on campus.


The smallness of the campus. It creates a more intimate learning and social environment. Smaller class sizes allows for greater discussion and learning. There's a sense of pride and togetherness in being a Pilot. The soccer games are also pretty great.


The best thing about the University of Portland is the environment it is in. Portland is such a youth friendly place, and the career and life opportunities it holds are unlimited.


I'd say that the best thing by far about my school is the sense of community. Literally everyone is open and friendly and willing to include you. Each dorm is great and you can easily find people that are you can become freinds with. Campus Ministry is also fun and inviting but there is so much more than that. The way that the University organizes the freshman classes really makes it easy to get to know fellow students in similar majors and become friends with them.


Career-oriented and helpful and accomadating professors. I like this school mainly becuase everyone is very friendly, it has a realy great atmospher, and that everyone genuinely wants to do well in class and is focused; however, they still want to have fun at the same time.


Coming from a Hispanic family, I was raised Catholic. Religion, now that I am considered an adult, is something my parents do not force me to practice but strongly encourage. But ever since I was three years old, I developed a strong interest in Catholicisim. I was highly intrigued to attend University of Portland because it is a Catholic school. Also, it is a private school; it has small classroom sizes that allows for a great relationships with classmates and professors that want me to be successful. These are some things that I consider the best about my school.


The one thing i consider greatest about University of Portland would have to be the encouragement to go beyond just learning material, and learning more about the world around you. It seems that everyone wants everyone to be the best that they can be, and the push to do this is incredible. Through the emance help in the freshman resource center, a huge study abroad program, and many many many clubs and organizations to help you serve your community and learn about yourself, the University of Portland helps you in growing into the person you want to be.


The professors at my school are phenomenal. I love each class for the mere fact that I get to engage and meet a new professor. Each one has their own unique way of teaching and I have not met a single professor yet who hasn't tried to push me to do more than I thought possible. Then, the reward of having done well on an assignment and the knowledge that the professsor was able to watch you grow and aid in that situation is amazing.


I love the academics, personal focus, school spirit and study abroad opportunities. It's a great school!




The best thing about the University of Portland is the quality education a student can recieve. The teachers are incredible because they offer their help to all students and are always available by email and they offer a lot of office hours. The small class sizes make for a better learning envirnoment because it is easier to have a relationship between the student and teacher, rather than being in a class of 100 students. The education recieved here is one of the best, and one could see that just by sitting in one class.


The best thing about University of Portland is the quality of education. I do believe we receive the education that we are paying for here. The professors love what they teach and you can tell by the way they carry themselves in class and try their best to be available to help you if you are struggling. Everyone is also very friendly and accepting.


The teachers at this school are amazing. A majority of the teachers that I have had they really do want to know about you and they are there for you in order to ensure your successs. They truely do care about their students.


The best thing about the University of Portland is the community. "Community" is often a word that gets thrown around a lot when prospective students are looking at different colleges, but it is certainly the reason why I chose to attend the University of Portland and I have not looked back. The community extends far and wide! The Alumni come back to campus regularly to give advice to students. They also invite students out to their work for job shadows. The soccer games are where every student crams on the bleachers and cheers their absolute loudest for their lady pilots!


I love how the University of Portland is small yet you never feel like you are being enclosed in. It has a great sense of community and no matter where you are on campus you will always feel warm and welcomed. The courses are challening but that is what makes you more determined to pursue what you want. The professors genuinely care about you and your well being and are available to helpoutside of school for anyone who asks. It is a great place to be for four years. It feels like home.


The academics at this school are very rigorous, a lot more than I imagined. Students are driven and focused here, with a career path mindset. The professors are always willing to give help, whenever a student needs.