University of Redlands Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of Redlands?


My sorority. The bonds I created at the U of R because of my sorority (or friends I met through sorority sisters) are everlasting. None of my friends had social experiences like I did, and I wouldn't trade that for anything.


I tell them how beautiful my campus is and how much I love the small class sizes.


Great financial aid, amazing teachers, not too big where you get lost but not too small where everyone knows everybody.


the johnston center for integrative studies. it is an interdiciplinary program. you can create your own education, you write course contracts and receive written evaluations of your work instead of grades. i feel it is a more hands-on way to approach your education.


Since I play soccer here at the university, I tend to brag about that. Playing a sport at the collegiate level is a big deal to some people. I am proud to be part of a team, especially a winning team.