University of Redlands Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Redlands? Why?


its so small!


The worst thing would be that the area surrounding the university is either very rich or very poor so it makes for an interesting off campus life.


I have not found to dislike anything here at Redlands thus far.


The worst thing about my school is the lack of diversity.


The food options have their high points and low points just like any other school...


U of R is in a college town, and it's small. It's easy to make community connections and find friends, but I missed the big-city feel of living in other cities in my life, like Portland, OR, or Amsterdam for my semester abroad. The environment is supportive from a large-scale view, but it is also very cliquey in petty ways. I think the best thing for that is more community-based programming and a re-designed version of the First Year Seminar, a peer group for new students.


If you don't have access to a car you really dont have a whole lot of options for what to do over the weekend, as there is not a whole lot that goes on around the school.


The lack of culture in the surrounding city, also the lack of public transportation.


There is little trust between professors and students- we are not often treated as adults but rather as children who need coddling.


The school needs to build its communal standards to the weekends. Often referred to as the University of Deadlands on the weekends, the campus grows amazingly quiet on Friday night and Saturdays as students often venture elsewhere to find things to keep occupied.