When you are visiting, and if you know someone try to stay there Friday-Sunday. You need to get a feel of weekend life and classes.
Find a place that offers what you want and if you don't know what you want find a place with lots of opportunites. Schools that have a medium amount of students are good because there aren't too many kids, and there's also enough so that your selection for friends isn't too small. Friends are important, the happier you are the better you'll do in school. Just make sure to keep a good social/work balance and you'll be fine. Partying can be fun... it happens pretty much everywhere, no matter what school you choose. The most important thing is to be yourself and do your own thing. I personally do not drink much yet i still go to a lot of parties. I choose not to drink and i just socialize like i normally would. If your friends are true then it won't matter to them what your doing. Do NOT be superficial... choose REAL people and hang out with them. College is a place full of responsibility and mature decisions so don't just mess around. Just because you're considered an adult you can still have fun with it.
Choosing the school that is best for you or your child is a difficult process. The best advice I can give to incoming freshman, is to stay true to who you are. Choose a school that adheres to your interests, needs, capabilities, and hobbies. Visit different types of schools so you can see which would be the best fit for you. Think about the things you want to accomplish in your life. As far fetched as your long term goals may seem now, the only way to achieve them is to surround yourself with an environment that welcomes your aspirations. No one knows better what you want than you.
Visiting colleges you are interested in is a very big part of choosing the school that is right for you. It gives you a feel of the people who go there and can help you realize if you feel comfortable there or not. Your school should feel like a home and be somewhere you enjoy being so it is important to know if you will feel safe and happy there. In order to make the most of the college experience it is very important to make friends right away. Everyone is in the same boat and looking to make friends at this time, and making new friends is a huge part of college. Also, being involved in different clubs and activites helps you get out and meet more people and have fun. There is time for school work, but there is also time to relax and have fun, and finding a balance early on will really help the experience of college life.
My best advice to students and parents that are going through the college search is to RELAX! The college search process is usually one of the most difficult and stressful times of a students life. A lot of times we feel so much pressure and get so overwhelmed that we tend to make decisions that we know just aren't right for us. Students need to stay calm and really think long and hard about WHO they are and WHAT they really want out of their college experience. Everyone wants something different in a college, that is why there are so many options! Really take your time and explore as much as you can before making your final decision, it is never something a student should feel rushed or pressured into by their parents, friends, teachers, etc... Ultimately it should be YOUR choice because the decision you make will play a large role in mapping out youre future and your happiness as a person and as a student. College should be one of the greatest experiences of your life, so do everything in your power to ensure that it will be!
So the saying goes, "You can't judge a book by its' cover." This is very important in choosing the right college. I can remember when I was picking, I had absolutely no idea where to go. And what was worse is that I wanted to pick my school based on its' name and stature. However, it does not matter what anyone else says. What means the most is how you feel when you step onto that campus. When I went on the tour at the University of Rhode Island I knew that was where I belonged. I fell in love with every aspect. I did not listen to what I heard about it, I took it in as if I had never been there or heard anything about it before. As cliche as it sounds, follow your heart when you are choosing your college. You must go with your first instinct because believe it or not, you know what is best for you. Choose where you want to go because of you and noone else. And be sure to visit every college that you are considering, because as I said, "You can not judge a book by its' cover."
Find a school that best fits your lifestyle and personality. If one enjoys cities, pick a school in the city. Or if like a laid back type of atmosphere find a school that is located in a state like Florida for example. I also have figured out that its okay if you don't have a major yet. If that is the case its important to pick a college that offers a broad range of coarses offered to experience different areas of interest.
Be careful when deciding where you want to go.
The biggest piece of advice I have for parents and students is that it is up to the student to make the most of their academic career. In any setting, people will find the types of relationships they need, and people don't understand this concept. Someone can go to an Ivy League school and not learn as much as if they went to a community college if the focus to study isn't there. I have learned this through my experience at URI. I used to hate going to school because I couldn't relate to any of the students, but now I realize that I don't have to be able to relate to anyone to have a fruitful academic career. My focus is to study and succeed and any college gives students the resources needed to do this.
Make sure that you feel at home when you choose a college. Money is a large factor, yes, but so is the importance of feeling safe and comfortable.