Yes, but no. Many people are preppy conformists, but there is a good mix of those who dress uniquely, those who don't really stand out and dress "normally" and those who have a good sense of style. People are intelligent and hard-working, definitely. Everyone I work with on Student Government and class projects is reliable and independently motivated.
Well there a significant amount of northern kids, and kids from wealthy backgrounds, but there are an increasingly large amount of kids receiving financial aid, and there are kids from all over. There is also increasing diversity, but yeah kids are still all out of J. Crew and Vineyard Vines magazines.
yes and no. Most of them are superficial stereotypes (as usual) however, underneath and in reality, Richmond students have a great deal of variety in personalities, preferences, and experiences.
Not all the white students feel that way, but a large portion of the white student population feels that way. Contrary to their beliefs the black people here are just as intelligent as them or they would not be there and as far as athletics, most of them are mad because they cannot play them anymore
This is not accurate at all. Richmond is not the most diversified school out there; the student population is 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} not white. But students come from a variety of different backgrounds: from upper to lower class families, students from the city to students from rural areas, and even students from different countries.
You really do not have to worry about not fitting in. Walking to class you'll find pass a Goth girl, a punk kid, a preppy boy, and a jock. Since the student population is so small, you get to know a lot of different people. It's nice to be about to walk to class and see a few smiling familiar faces.
In some sense. The bulk of the students here do come from the Northeast and New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and yes many of them are very "bro-tastic," but if that's not what you're into, there are people here of every type, race, background and they're all very intelligent and fun to hang out with
To a certain extent, yes. When looking around campus, it seems as though the sorority sisters and frat bros dressed in J.Crew are everywhere. When you look a bit closer, however, there are people who don't feel the need to join in the Greek life or dress as though they've stepped out of a Polo catalog.
There's also a big divide between those who can afford the school and those who can't: You either come here on an amazing grant or scholarship, or your family can afford $45,000+ every year. Those in the middle generally complain that the school's formula finds their family's finances to be more than what's really there, leaving the family in debt.
For about 7/8th's of the population, yes.
Not by any means. The school has made diverisity an important factor and has been very succesful. The students are also very friendly.